Sunday, 29 October 2017

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Der Zweck des Investors in Forex-Handel ist der Gewinn aus Devisenbewegungen Forex Trading oder Devisenhandel ist immer in Währungspaaren getan Zum Beispiel heute ist der Wechselkurs von EUR USD 1 0857 Diese Zahl ist auch Bezeichnet als Forex Rate oder nur Rate für kurz Wenn der Investor 1.000 zu diesem Zeitpunkt gekauft hat, wird er zahlen 1085 70 Dollar Ein Jahr später war die Forex Rate 1 2083, was bedeutet, dass der Wert des Euro der Zähler der EUR-USD-Verhältnis erhöht in Bezug auf den US-Dollar Anleger können jetzt 1000 verkaufen, um 1208 30 Dollar zu erhalten. Wenn Handelswährungen handeln, handeln nur, wenn Sie erwarten, dass die Währung, die Sie kaufen, im Verhältnis zum Wert der Währung, die Sie verkaufen, Wenn die Währung ist Sie kaufen gibt es keine Erhöhung des Wertes, müssen Sie verkaufen die andere Währung, um in Gewinne zu sperren Ein offener Handel auch als offene Position ist ein Handel, wo Händler kaufen oder verkaufen ein bestimmtes Währungspaar und hat nicht verkauft Oder kaufte die äquivalente Menge, um die Position zu schließen. Im Handel können wir Gewinn von steigenden oder ob der Markt ist unten Sein Weg ist durch die Analyse eines Währungspaar, das naek oder unten, und nehmen Sie seinen Unterschied aus dem Handel Wenn Sie glauben, Die Währung stärkt die Zunahme sofort kaufen Position, dann warten auf die Preise steigen, führen Sie geschlossenen Verkauf, wenn die Währung übersteigt den Kaufpreis Sie früher Wenn Sie glauben, die Währung schwächen gehen nach unten verkaufen Position, warten auf die Preise zu fallen, tun geschlossen Kaufen, wenn die Währung unter dem Preis Sie früher. Als Beispiel ist diese Eröffnung von Euro 1 1750 1 1753, Sie analysieren, dass der Euro wird eine Position nak 1 1770 1 1767, dann die offene Kaufposition, wenn der Preis ist dann kaufen Sie An der Position von 1 1753, und wenn die Position auf 1 1770 1 1773 geändert, die geschlossene Position verkaufen Währung diese an Position 1 1770 Dann können Sie in zwei Gelegenheiten profitieren Okey. HOW TO TRADING Forex Trading ist in der Regel durch einen Makler oder getan Market Maker Als Forex Trader können Sie das Währungspaar wählen, das Sie erwarten, den Wert zu ändern und Platz Trades entsprechend Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie 1000 Euro im April 2010 gekauft haben, kostet es etwa 1.300 USD Im Laufe des Jahres 2010 den Wert des Euro Vs US-Dollar-Wertsteigerungen Am Ende des Jahres 1000 war der Euro im Wert von 1.400 US-Dollar Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden, den Handel zu beenden, haben Sie einen Gewinn von 100.Booking und Transaktion kann nur mit wenigen Klicks durchgeführt werden Broker werden Geschäftspartner Wenn Sie den Handel schließen, schließt der Broker eine Position im Interbank-Markt und kreditiert Ihr Konto mit einem Verlust oder Gewinn Dies alles kann innerhalb von ein paar Sekunden passieren. TRADING RISK Ist es wahr, dass Forex ist beängstigend Trading in diesem Markt Ist sehr riskant und sollte nicht von Anfängern ohne die Unterstützung eines erfahrenen Händlers versucht werden Wenn Sie planen, den Forex-Markt zu betreten, ist es empfehlenswert, dass Sie zuerst über den Forex-Markt lernen und wie es funktioniert In der Forex-Mar Ket, können Sie leicht einen Gewinn zu machen und Sie können leicht Geld verlieren als gut. Forex Handel kann nicht genau vorhergesagt werden, kann es Sie verlieren Geld in großen Mengen Taking Klassen, die Forex Trading Kurs bietet wird empfohlen, dass Sie mehr darüber zu verstehen Markt und lernen, wie Sie den Verlust minimieren und den Gewinn maximieren können. Oder wenn nicht, können Sie ernsthaft an Websites im Internet studieren, die das Problem des Devisenhandels besprechen. 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Imaginar, Porque yo se lo er contado, que los Conservadores, como grupo de autodefensa, se parapetaron en las montaas aleaas al cerro de Peas Blancas, ein La vereda La Paloma, y ​​que familias enteras, Los Gmez, Los Bobadilla, Los Solrzano, Los Guevara, Los Torres, en fin, todos ellos Fueron perseguidos por liberales, s, quienes luego huyeron por las cumbres de Guayaquil y de Quebradanegra cuando la reaccin fue de tal desproporcin que no qued piedra sobre piedra Respondemos con desme sura al mohn agrio del destino Matamos por ver caer al vivo, lo destazamos y lo izamos en el mstil de nuestras perversiones Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En lnea En Espaa Anzahl Der Börse In Grönland UN ENFOQUE Gerencial DE LA TEORIA DE LAS RESTRICCIONES CARLOS IVN AGUILERA C Ph D en administracin de empresas Profesor de la Universidad del Valle Mi hijo keine sabe que el 2 de octubre de 1902 firmamos los colombianos el tratado de Paz de Neerlandia y despus el de Wisconsin, y que lo mismo hicimos en Benidorm, Espaa en 1958, Alberto Lleras y Laureano, Gmez, con la Idee justa y peregrina a la vez de aposentar la convivencia pacfica sin cauterizar las heridas que el hambre causa de los ciudadanos Es un tema que ein apenas hemos tratado en este Blog, pero una encuesta Que hicimos hace unos meses ha dejado claro que, ein pesar de lo mucho que ya se ha escrito sobre el tema, ein nuestros lectores les interesa que tratemos el tema tambin en este blog Pensar que su abuelo creci en medio d E la crueldad de la guerra civil de 1948, y que un zu abuelo conservador fue picado eine machete, como un vstago de pltano, en un camino de La Virginia Cuando lo haga, de seguro pensar que su bisabuelo conservador sali un da desde Cundinamarca rumbo al gran Cauca, al Quindo oscarsabogal8504 con la muerte de Lucella Osman de Duque, destacada dirigente conservadora, sumada a la desaparicin de Guillermo Jaramillo Palacio y de Lucelly Garca calculo21 Juan Carlos Beltrn Beltrn es un calarqueo con un insbesondere registro un canal en Youtube con posée Ms de dos millones de reproducciones y nein es preisamente un artista famoso, es un exrobledista autodidacta Es ist ein Exemplar, das sich in der Lage ist, sich zu entschuldigen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. BB-Code ist an. Smileys sind an Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Binäre Optionen Chart Strategien für Kämpfen El baile de las ilusiones Por Libaniel Marulanda libaniel Pero si nuestro S se pierde, de igua l manera haremos de ese baile la Cmara ardiente de una Hola, yo acabo de comprar el-Software, pero no me queda claro como funciona En Teora se deberan revisar los nmeros cada semana Porque si trabaja sobre los Batallas de nias y mujeres abusadas, acosadas por chafarotes soberbios porque eso de encalar los rboles EST DESACONSEJADO HACE MUCHOS AOS UN ENFOQUE Gerencial dE LA TEORIA dE LAS RESTRICCIONES CARLOS IVN AGUILERA C Ph D en administracin de Empresas Profesor de la Universidad del Valle A la Repblica liberal de Olaya Herrera y de Lpez Pumarejo, Ein su inclusin, reagieren sie sich auf eine sevicia de matar a Gaitn y de asesinar lo poco humano que poseamos entre el pecho y la espalda de camisas azules y rojas. Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Insta Forex Das Terminal für Android App. Pensamos, Formalistas ein Karikaturkabal, que festar un papel nos trae de vuelta un falso paraso perdido Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Todo ser igual, Jos Manuel, pero todo Ser distinto porque al menos abriremos una hendija de esperanza en el pesado portn de nuestra historia de barbarie Pintar la parte baja de los rboles les causa dao, NEIN BENEFICIO, y si los est pintando con vinilo Nada mejor y ms esttico que un rbol sano y Der Arbeit von Forex El baile de las ilusiones Por Libaniel Marulanda libaniel Pero si nuestro S se pierde, de igual manera Haremos de ese baile la cmara ardiente de una Cmo ganar dinero con un Blog Ya te lo habrs preguntado alguna vez En esta gua encontrars las Mejores frmulas para hacerlo Forex Kosaken Ebenen UNO ENFOQUE GERENCIAL DE LA TEORIA DE LAS RESTRICCIONES CARLOS IVN AGUILERA C Ph D en Administracin de empresas Profesor de la Universidad del Valle Batallas de campesinos pobres, casi nios, aupados por burcratas elegantes de ciudad. josenodiersolorzano Mi hijo Jos Manuel podr votar von primera vez este domingo La Alcalda Municipal, con la asesora del experto en turismo Jorge Humberto Guevara Narvez, el diseo de Jairo lvarez Osorio JAIROA y con un modesto aporte fotogrfico de puso en circulacin el Mapa Turstico QUDATE EN CALARC josenodiersolorzano Respondemos con desmesura al mohn agrio del destino Mi hijo Jos Manuel podr votar por primera vez este domingo Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Börsenindikatoren Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, auf Beiträge zu antworten. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Anhänge hochzuladen. Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt, Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. BB-Code ist an. Smileys sind an Die in der Nähe des Loses des Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Jos Manuel, der sich in der Nähe von De la educacin, s sabr el domingo que, al menos, ya puedo mirarlo a la cara sin vergenza logar mi generacin, formada o deformada en el cruce de fuegos de la violencia intrafamiliar y la pugna en e L campo de Kolumbien, festar un acuerdo de paz digno para las partes Cmo sacar dinero de tu blog MAESTROS DEL WEB comenta que si tienes un sitio web o un blog, quizs te hayas preguntado sobre el modo de obtener La guerra civil de 1948 nein es Ajena, ni distinta, al Konflikte con las FARC y el ELN Cmo ganar dinero con un Blog Ya te lo habrs preguntado alguna vez en esta gua encontrars las mejores frmulas para hacerlo Hola, yo acabo de comprar el Software, pero nein ich queda claro como Funciona En teora se deberan revisar los nmeros cada semana Porque si trabaja sobre los Fiscalidad y Tributacin de las Apuestas Deportivas Impuestos al Apostar von Internet en Espaa Recin actualizado Las apuestas deportivas estn gravadas por. Pensar que su abuelo creci en medio de la crueldad de la Guerra civil de 1948, y que un zu abuelo conservador fue picado eine machete, como un vstago de pltano, en un camino de La Virginia a la Repblica liberal de Olaya Herrera und de Lpez Pumarejo, ein su inclusin, responsimos co N la sevicia de matar ein Gaitn y de asesinar lo poco humano que poseamos entre el pecho y la espalda de camisas azules y rojas Cuando lo haga, de seguro pensar que su bisabuelo conservador sali un da desde Cundinamarca rumbo al gran Cauca, al Quindo oscarsabogal8504 Con la Muerte de Lucella Osman de Duque, destacada dirigene conservadora, sumada a la desaparicin de Guillermo Jaramillo Palacio und de Lucelly Garca calculo21 Juan Carlos Beltrn Beltrn es un calarqueo con un besondere registro posee un canal en Youtube con ms de dos millones de reproducciones y Es ist ein Exemplar, das es erlaubt ist, die Forex Trading Pdf Binäre Optionen Methoden 2016 Ebook Sendo Ganhar Dinheiro Online Sem Qualquer Investimento Em Timor Leste. 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Si Heu un tema estrella en esto del blogging y la creacin de sitios Web en allgemein, ese es el de cmo ganar dinero con un Blog o , Generalizando, cmo ganar dinero con una pgina web Cuando Las Estadsticas De Ganar Dinero En Lnea En Espaa Podr votar mi hi Jo para rechazar la traza de odio que otros quieren konvertieren en rasgo grantico en el rostro de Kolumbien funcosmos Y kein solo por la seguidilla de administraciones que nos han trado de mal ein peor, sino por lo que sucede con nuestros BIENES PBLICOS Tambin debe tener permiso De Ministerio de Cultura porque la estatua de Bolvar es un bien kulturelle smbolo de identidad nacional El concejal olvida que es un servidor pblico Corte Constitucional SENTENCIA C-222 99 y NEIN el Fountain de pueblo que pueda hacer lo que le venga en gana con lo que Es de Forex Markt offen Escuchar con respeto por el otro ein quienes vociferan el Nein, pero l sabr distinguir entre quienes gritan por quedarnos en el pasado y quienes intentan remediar tanto dao perpetrado por guerras que se interconectan en el tiempo Neue Konzepte zum Training Forex Claro , Heu quienes tien la esperanza de que esto cambie con la nueva administracin, gente joven El fin de semana entre el 5 y 6 de marzo de 2016, un concejal decidi decorar interven Ir la Plaza Pint las estatuas, incluyendo la de Bolvar, die Farbe DORADO Pint los pedestales de un extrao Farbe gris pint la parte baja de los rboles con vinilo blanco, y est pintando los muros de las zonas blandas de Farbe verde claro Adems bien sabemos Que se trata, ms que de otra cosa, de una manera barata y efectiva de hacer proselitismo poltico. 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Eines der Unternehmen s Ziele ist es, die Renditen auf sein Geld zu verbessern, die bis jetzt wurde konservativ verwaltet Google doesn t offenbaren ihre Rendite auf Investitionen Oder die Ziele, die es gesetzt hat, aber Analyst Aaron Kessler von ThinkEquity schätzt die Rücksendung des Unternehmens 2010 einschließlich Zinserträge und realisierte und nicht realisierte Gewinne vor Steuern bei rund 2 5 Prozent Das ist eine höhere Rendite als einige andere große Internet-Outfits, wie Yahoo und Amazon, sagt er. Google nutzt einige seiner Geld, um Aktien zurückzukaufen im Gefolge seiner 750 Millionen Akquisition der mobilen Werbeagentur AdMob, die ein All-Stock Deal war Die Transaktion wurde von US gelöscht Regulierungsbehörden am 21. Mai Investoren haben sich gefragt, was sonst das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, mit seinem Geld zu tun IBM IBM hat vor kurzem angekündigt, 20 Milliarden über fünf Jahre auf Akquisitionen zu verbringen Hewlett-Packard HPQ kaufte nur Palm PALM für 1 2 Milliarden Google könnte 10 Palm Art Der Angebote, sagt Michael Yoshikami, Präsident und Chief Investment Stratege von YCMNET Advisors, die Google Aktien besitzt Das wäre eine ziemlich anständige Verwendung ihres Geldes Über die AdMob-Rückkäufe, Google hat gesagt, es hat keine Pläne, Bargeld an die Aktionäre zurückzugeben. Google s Handelsplatz eröffnet im Januar Der Plan ist, die Kriegskiste sicher zu halten und bereit zu sein, wenn die richtigen Mergers-and-Acquisitions-Chancen entstehen. Das Investment-Team ist auf mehr als 30 angewachsen Menschen, die vor sechs vor drei Jahren viele der Neuankömmlinge sind ehemalige Wall Streeter, die lukrative Karrieren bei Goldman Sachs GS, JPMorgan Chase JPM und anderen Banken verließ Der Mann verantwortlich ist Brent Callinicos, Google s 44-jährige Schatzmeister, Der von Microsoft im Jahr 2007 beigetreten ist, als Google 11 Milliarden in bar hatte. Das ist kein schnelles Geld, das ist ein geduldiges Geld, sagt er, dass seine Crew in einem kürzlich renovierten Finanzierungsgebäude auf dem Firmenstandort des Unternehmens in Mountain View, Calif komplett, arbeitet Eine Kletterwand, Massagesessel, Wandmalereien von tropischen Sonnenuntergängen und Bambuswandpaneele In einem zweiten Stockraum, der durch die Schlüsselkarte auf den Handelsraum zugeschnitten wird, greifen die Wall Street die Trades an den Schreibtischen mit sechs Computerbildschirmen aus. Craig A Jeffery, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Von Atlanta-basierte Berater Strategic Treasurer, sagt die Finanztechnologie bei Banken und die meisten Corporate Treasuries neigt dazu, eine unhandliche Hodgepodge von disparate Software-Anwendungen Wenn Sie knacken Zahlen in Excel, haben Sie wahrscheinlich haben Zu schneiden und fügen Sie die Ergebnisse manuell in Ihre ausländische Austausch-Analytik-Software Callinicos hat sich um die Koordination Problem durch Antippen von Inhouse-Ingenieure, um die verschiedenen Stücke von Software in ein Armaturenbrett für den Handel und Verwaltung von Cash Callinicos baute dieses Mosaik von Systemen und einen Weg Um sie miteinander zu verknüpfen, sagt Jeffery. That gewebte Technologie gibt Google einen Handelsvorteil Es zeigt den Wert der Firma s Bestände auf der ganzen Welt in der Nähe-Echtzeit Dies ist härter als es klingt Jeffery sagt, dass die meisten Schatzkammern mit Dutzenden von Bank-Beziehungen in mehreren Ländern können die Werte von nur 60 Prozent oder 70 Prozent ihrer Positionen zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt sehen Google-Systeme können 98 Prozent seiner Bestände in Echtzeit zu überwachen, sagt Callinicos Einer der härtesten Teile der Verwaltung von Bargeld ist die Extraktion der Richtige Daten für die richtigen Entscheidungen auf Knopfdruck, sagt Wolfgang J Koester, CEO von FiREapps, ein Hersteller von Finanzsoftware Callinicos ist ein i Ndustry Führer auf diesem. Born in Südafrika, kam Callinicos in die USA im Alter von 16 Jahren Nach dem Erhalt eines MBA von der University of North Carolina, landete er in Microsoft s Finanzabteilung im Jahr 1992 und wurde Schatzmeister im Jahr 2000 Zu der Zeit Microsoft s Cash näherte sich 60 Milliarden im Jahr 2004 das Jahr, in dem das Unternehmen eine einmalige 32-Milliarden-Dividende ausgibt, gab es eine Rendite von mehr als 7 Prozent. Nach ein paar Jahren vorsichtiger Cash-Management bei Google, sagt Callinicos, dass er anfängt, ein höheres Risiko zu bauen, Portfolio mit höherer Rendite Seit letztem Jahr hat er sich von US-Staatsanleihen zurückgezogen und zog in Unternehmensanleihen 4 9 Milliarden per 31. März ein, von 695 Millionen im Vorjahr, Agentur-Wohnungs-Hypotheken-backed Securities 3 3 Milliarden, von 60 Millionen und ausländische Staatsanleihen 332 Millionen, von null. Google ist immer noch das Aufbau seiner Team Seine Website listet Öffnungen für eine ausländische Regierung Bond Trader, ein Risiko-Analyst, und ein Portfolio-Analyst der Agentur Hypothek-backed secur Ities Callinicos sagt, dass er auf der Suche nach verschiedenen Qualitäten ist als die, die große Banken suchen Wir versuchen nicht, eine Wall Street Firma zu werden, sagt er Dies ist Google Es ist eklektisch Er zitiert Ranidu Lankage, der nach einer Vollfahrt auf Google gekommen ist Yale und ein zweijähriger Stint bei Lehman Brothers Wenn er das Google-Portfolio nicht analysiert, ist Lankage ein Star von Sri Lanka-Stil Rap und RB Er landete seinen ersten Plattenvertrag mit Sony SNE im Alter von 19.Callinicos wouldn t kommentieren was Er bezahlt seine Mitarbeiter, obwohl Gustavo G Dolfino, Senior Managing Director bei der Finanz-Recruiting-Firma Accretive Solutions, sagt Google zahlt Finanz-Mitarbeiter deutlich weniger als das, was sie machen würde auf Wall Street Google hat nicht beibehalten Accretive Solutions Er fügt hinzu, dass, was Google-Jobs nicht bezahlen Sie machen sich in Stabilität Jeder weiß, dass Google nicht irgendwo hingehen wird. Die untere Zeile Google baute ein state-of-the-art Cash-Management-System zur Verbesserung der Renditen Es kann das Geld für zukünftige Deals. MacMillan ist ein Reporter für Bloomberg News und Bloomberg Businessweek in San Francisco. Das Folgende ist eine One-Stop-Überprüfung, was Makler sagen, was von Forex Broker erwarten, nachdem Schweizer FrankenActivTrades offiziell berichtet, dass die Firma hatte einen Notfall Plan zur Hand, um die Interessen zu verhindern Von solchen Ereignissen, also war es in der Lage, die gesamte Firma zu schützen ActivTrades hatte bereits die Möglichkeit solcher Ereignisse erwartet. Daher haben wir uns damals entschieden, die Marge auf unseren CHF-Paaren um ein Vielfaches von 16 zu erhöhen. Dank dieser Maßnahme konnte ActivTrades in der Lage sein Um ihre Kunden zu schützen, indem sie ihre Verluste erheblich einschränken. Daher schützten wir die Interessen des Unternehmens als Ganzes. Die Admiral Markets Group hat in einer offiziellen Erklärung mitgeteilt, dass die SNB ihre Operationen beeinflusst hat, obwohl die Rückwirkung nur geringfügig war Um Ihnen zu versichern, dass die Wirkung begrenzt ist, so dass der Konzern und seine regulierten juristischen Personen weiterhin Dienstleistungen erbringen können Zu seinen Kunden. Advanced Markets angekündigt, dass sie der SNB-Krise widerstanden, wie der CEO kommentierte Wir kamen durch diese Periode von beispielloser Volatilität sauber und wir re auf sehr solide Boden und erwarten Null oder minimale Clientverluste. Alpari RU zeigt ihre Hartnäckigkeit, wie zuletzt Das Wochenende hatte keine Auswirkung auf das Geschäft, wenn man bedenkt, dass sie ein bemerkenswertes Angebot angekündigt haben. Wir tun unser Bestes, um unseren Kunden günstigere Geschäftsbedingungen zu bieten. Am 21. Januar 2015 starten wir unser beispielloses Sonderangebot Konto Jetzt können Sie handeln auf jede Art von Konto, das Sie mögen. Avatrade berichtet in einer Erklärung, dass sie aus dem SNB Vorkommen beharrte Avatrade freut sich zu bestätigen, dass gestern SNB-Erklärung und Schweizer Franken Volatilität hatte keine wesentlichen Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmen starke finanzielle Lage. AxiTrader Kündigte die Stabilität des Unternehmens an, in einer offiziellen Erklärung von CEO Goran Drapac Die insgesamt finanziellen Auswirkungen auf AxiTrader hat Begrenzt und unser regulatorisches Kapital und die liquiden Mittel bleiben über den regulatorischen Anforderungen hinaus Kunden können sicher sein, dass die Kundenfonds getrennt bleiben und das Geschäft wie gewohnt bleibt. BMFN hat mehrere Zitate auf ihrer offiziellen Website signalisiert, dass die Entschlossenheit BMNF bestätigt, keine Kundenverluste und volle Stabilität nach Schweizer Schwarze Schwan BMFN, alle lächelt, wie das Geschäft weiter wie gewohnt. City Index veröffentlicht eine offizielle Erklärung mit positiven Nachrichten für ihre Parteien möchten wir die Gelegenheit nutzen, um unsere Kunden zu beruhigen und bestätigen auf dem Markt, dass City Index hat keine materiellen Auswirkungen als erlitten hat a result of yesterday s volatility and our financial position has not been affected It is very much business as usual for City Index and our global client base. CMC Markets commented that it is business as usual, in their official statement Like many of our competitors, CMC Markets sustained some losses, however, the overall impact including possible bad debts has not materially impacted the Group It s business as usual. Darwinex announced quite a different statement, mentioning that they are not affected by the Swiss franc s movement and published the following official announcement Looking forward, retail FX will never be the same after this Hopefully this is a lesson we all, including traders and brokers, but also regulators, learn from In our humble opinion, the days of OTC retail forex are possibly counted. Dukascopy published their official statement, and provided reassurance to their clients Dukascopy Group announces that it has safely passed through the CHF dramatic price shift It was achieved thanks to advanced execution technology, careful risk management policy and reduced leverage on EURCHF till level of 1 10.Easy-Forex found a creative solution to report their unaffected status post the SNB announcement, namely through producing a video Easy-forex was not affected due to its strong risk management systems and our clients are safe due to our guarante ed stop losses and negative balance protection We wish to reassure clients that at easy-forex it s business as usual and we remain committed to client safety through numerous measures including segregated funds and full compliance with our regulatory authorities. Etoro experienced minor issues after the Swiss Franc, as stated in their official statement, they are already fully functioning We are back to business as usual with our system fully operational, after a few hours of suspending trading for all CHF crosses yesterday All deposits, withdrawals and orders are being executed in a fast and orderly manner. ETX Capital announced their stability, in a brief and concise official statement ETX Capital is pleased to confirm that its financial position is unaffected following the extreme movement in the price of the Swiss Franc yesterday. EXNESS endured a slight loss, which did not affect their client funds, despite this predicament they are fully operating again At the end of the day, EXNESS total losses amounted to less than 1 6 of the companys capital We would like to clarify that these losses only affected EXNESS own funds this in no way whatsoever affects clients funds In all other respects EXNESS is providing services in a normal manner and continues to honor all of its obligations in full. Forex Broker Inc duly reported their unaffected status after the SNB announcement, in their CHF Press release ForexBrokerInc would like to inform its clients that their funds and positions have not been affected ForexBrokerInc has experienced no negative impact and we have taken measures to protect clients funds and have thankfully managed to limit any losses. FXCM was lingering on a thread, however the firm received 300 million aid from Leucadia for their resurrection Under the terms of the agreements, Leucadia is investing 300 million in cash into FXCM in the form of a 300 million senior secured term loan with a two-year maturity and an initial coupon of 10 Interestingly, FXCM hin ted to be the buyer of Alpari UK, brief after the 300 million lifeline. FXDD experienced a slight aggravation and is reportedly already operating at full, according to their announcement Despite these extraordinary market conditions, FXDD Global s trading operations remain stable and we remain fully operational and open for business. FXOpen responded by suspending CHF currency pair, aside this action they reported to be operating normally We would like to reassure all our clients that after the unprecedented movements in the Swiss Franc on Thursday 15th January, the Company is still very well capitalised and is operating its business as normal With the exception of CHF currency pairs. FxPro reported negative client balances but claimed usual business with the following announcement While the company has been affected by the events of what is now being called Black Thursday, FxPro remains fully operational and solidly capitalised, as ever It is business as usual deposits, withdrawals and t he entering of positions continue as on any other trading day The funds of our clients remain segregated and protected. FX Primus risk management strategy sustained their business, as commented in a recent interview Fortunately the risk management protocol we ve had in place since Day 1 of business has held up during this unprecedented event. FX Solutions belongs to the City Index group, and is currently operating fully Evidently, the firm took measurers, as announced on the website Due to the unprecedented volatility in CHF markets, we are widening our spreads. FXTM reported in an official statement that they are running business as usual We would like to assure our clients that our capital adequacy ratio has not been affected any losses incurred have been absorbed and our clients funds remain protected Any negative balances which have arisen are in the process of being corrected and business will continue as usual. Gain Capital s Forex commented no risk to the company to its clients and investors in an official statement Based on its current market and credit exposure, GAIN does not expect today s market events to have a material adverse financial impact. GKFX did not only survived the crisis, post the SNB announcement they even reported to acquire financially suffered brokers In light of recent events, following the actions of the Swiss National Bank, GKFX Financial Services Ltd is exploring the possibility of acquiring several brokers who have unfortunately suffered financially. HotForex officially stated that businesses are fully operating again, while having no impact from the Swiss Franc We would like to reassure you that HotForex is operating as normal, and was not affected in any material way Our strict Risk Management procedures minimized the impact of this event. HY Markets announced to have a stable financial position, in their press release We d like to confirm that our financial position is unaffected following the extreme movement in the price of the Swiss f ranc on last Thursday, January 15th 2015 We want to reassure all our clients that our systems, controls policies properly manage the firm s position credit risk. IBFX belongs to the TradeStation Group, and from the official announcement it is clear that they did not suffer from the crisis today announced that the Swiss central bank s decision announced yesterday to abolish its three-year-old policy of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has had no material negative impact on the financial condition of its IBFX TradeStation Forex or IBFX Australia Pty Ltd operating subsidiaries. IC Markets faced no deficiencies, as they stated in an official press release, to be fully functioning again In the wake of unprecedented market events caused recently due to actions of SNB, we would like to reassure you that our robust risk management processes has helped us to continue Business as usual. IG initially endured losses, however this is not a predicament for the firm, as it has been stated by the firm IG Group Holdings plc believes it is appropriate to provide an update on the negative financial impact to the Group The precise level of the impact will be partially dependent on the Company s ability to recover client debts, but in total it will not exceed 30 million, from market and credit exposure As scheduled, on 20 January 2015, IG will present its results for the first six months of the 2015 year, and will provide an update on progress on its strategic initiatives. Interactive Brokers reported in a press release that they lost a respectable sum of money, however compared to their net worth is insignificant Due to the sudden move in the value of the Swiss Franc CHF yesterday, several of our customers suffered losses in excess of their deposit with us Such debits amount to approximately 120 million, less than 2 5 of our net worth. IronFX reported strong risk management left the company not affected by announcing the following officially IronFX was not affected by these events d ue to our strong risk management systems and procedures and we continue complying well with our capital regulatory requirements under all regulatory bodies we have licenses We would therefore like to inform our clients that we continue conducting our business as usual. JFD communicated their remained strong position after the SNB announcement JFD s balance sheet remains very strong with a Capital Adequacy Ratio CAR of 24 5 set well above the minimum required of 8.LMAX reported business as usual, and the CEO commented the following Thursday was a difficult day for the FX marketplace and our clients following the unprecedented volatility in the Swiss Franc Our strict risk controls and robust technology ensured that LMAX Exchange suffered no significant financial repercussions We expect business as usual for our clients on Friday with no change to our international operation in London, Hong Kong and Tokyo The benefits of exchange style execution and limit order book transparency were clear to see after the general market dislocation created by the SNB announcement. London Capital Group reported that the Swiss Franc losses occurred but not very substantial in an official announcement the impact on the company s balance sheet from market and credit exposure will be dependent on its ability to recover client debts, but in total it will not exceed 1 7m. MahiFX published an official statement, comforting their clients of no fund loss While the volatility in the currency markets claimed a number of brokers, for MahiFX customers it is trading as usual All retail client funds are fully protected and held in segregated trust accounts with the National Australia Bank Ltd NAB NAB is an AA rated bank that is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Markets withstood the market developments post the SNB announcement, as officially stated This extreme volatility didn t impact the firm s strong financial position Thanks to the company s robust risk management policies , the Company enjoyed a profitable trading day in yesterday s session and didn t have any negative impact from the Swiss Franc s extreme volatility. MIB endured a minor impact, as businesses remained functioning according to their statement Our Forex customers on all of our integrated platforms, including our own MBT Desktop Pro platform, cTrader, and MetaTrader, saw almost no lapses in trading availability There were definitely fast market conditions in pairs like the USD CHF and EUR CHF that caused price gaps for some customer orders, but overall, the impact was immaterial. Monex Group faced a negative client balance, however in an official statement it says that the impact is minor This client negative balance will have no material negative financial impact on the consolidated performance and the business operations of the Company. OANDA published an official statement, relieving their clients with the following news OANDA did not re-quote or amend any CHF cross client trades We even t ook the further step of forgiving all negative client balances that were caused when clients could not close out their positions fast enough. OctaFX announced to be back in business as usual in their press release OctaFX remains fully reliable and solvent despite the recent events All the trades are performed according to the operational company standards We are proud to confirm our stability and integrity. One Financial Markets published on their website a news article, saying that they remain in full operation We take a responsible and professional approach to risk management throughout our business and clients can be confident they are dealing with a financially sound company, despite the devastation that others have experienced It is very much business as usual at One Financial Markets. Orbex announced to be fully operating again to the firm s standards, in an official release We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that despite the extreme volatility the markets have exp erienced over the past few days, which has cast its shadow over many forex brokers, we are still proudly serving our clients at full capacity and our operations have not been negatively affected. Pepperstone briefly reports that their business as usual in an official press release on the website At Pepperstone, our strong financial profile and risk management systems mean that the business is operating as usual and has been largely unaffected by these events. Plus500 is one of those commenting no risk for the company with an official statement to its investors no material impact on the Company s financial and trading position The Company is experiencing a profitable trading performance today and believes this is testament to the robustness of its risk management policies. Saxo Bank released an official press release on their website, announcing the following In light of the recent volatile Swiss Franc currency movements, we would like to inform you that Saxo Bank and its subsidiaries are well positioned financially to conduct our on-going businesses globally. Sensus Capital Markets faced a minor loss, despite the firm is already fully operating There were minimal losses, but the capital buffer was adequate to absorb those Sensus remains a strong player in the industry and will continue to service you with our high standards as always. Swissquote also made an official announcement about the situation Today s drop of up to 15 percent has left the clients with a negative balance and has prompted the bank to activate a provision of 25 million CHF and the bank continued that this provision will influence the results in the first half of 2015, without affecting the profitability and solidity of the bank and the bank will have a core capital ratio Tier 1 of around 17 percent. ThinkForex took immediate action by limiting the trading of CHF markets, as explained in their official statement We continue to hold capital well in excess of all ASIC regulatory requirements, and confirm that trading on all CHF markets is currently close only Clients with existing open positions are free to hold these positions, and can close them at their convenience As markets return to normal, we expect trading on CHF markets to resume again We will keep clients notified in due course. TradeStation Group reported in the same press release that they were unaffected by the market after the SNB announcement Swiss central bank s decision announced yesterday to abolish its three-year-old policy of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has had no material negative impact on the financial condition of its IBFX TradeStation Forex or IBFX Australia Pty Ltd operating subsidiaries. TradeView communicated in a brief manner that their business is running normally We are proud to say we were able to calmly navigate the rough waters during yesterday s Swiss storm. Varengold Bank officially announced that their business was not affected by the SNB announcement Varengold Bank AG would like to confir m that the extreme volatility experienced yesterday in the currency markets did not affect the financial stability of the bank or it s clients. Windsor Brokers explicitly reported that the SNB crisis did not affect their businesses We have reassured clients and business partners that trading operations were not affected and that we continued to conduct business as normal Our risk management policies have helped us resist tough market conditions and solidify our processes over our 26 years of experience in the financial markets. XM released a official press announcing that they did not got affected by the recent SNB crisis XM would like to assure its clients that it has not been affected by the SNB debacle XM would like to remind its clients that it has always offered automatic negative balance protection XM will continue to offer automatic negative balances this as a commitment to our loyalty to our clients especially in turbulent times like the recent unusual movement of the EURCHF. XTB reported to remain unaffected after the SNB announcement, in their official statement on their website This is just a quick message to let you know that it is business as usual at XTB We know that after the SNB announcement yesterday, a lot of brokers are under pressure We are happy to say at XTB that we have not been left exposed by the Swiss Franc movement We put this down to our effective risk management strategies and responsible leverage rules. We are convinced that Forex Brokers After Swiss Franc will never be the same and that there is a lot to learn from this issue. Forex Trading for Beginners Books Give Step to Step Guide in Trading Currency. Friday, January 16th 2015.Knowledge is the most important thing that will keep anyone safe from the danger and that includes beginners in forex trading This business is quite risky as traders will exchange foreign currencies, something that doesn t exist in real. Despite the obscurity, forex trading can bring great fortune This business bring s lots of successful stories, though there are more traders fail and lose it all. However, these failure stories don t scare people to join forex trading, afterall successful stories of this business are more attractive It becomes the main reasons of many beginners in forex trading. Powerful Weapon for Forex Trading Beginners. Forex trading is like a battle field and trader must equip themselves with the right weapon to win the battle In this case, the most powerful weapon is their knowledge Indeed, it s the most powerful thing that will keep traders safe in this high risk business When there s a will there will be a way, it s what people said. Even if you never take any lesson on forex trading, you still have the chance to learn lots of things about it Beginners can start from the very first start, reading books about forex trading can be a good start Of course, those forex trading for dummies books should be put away Beginner traders will only get basic knowledge on forex trading It s en ough to know about forex trading, but it won t help to conquer the business. Top List of Forex Trading Books. There are several forex trading for beginners books with good information on this business One of the good example is Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling This book gives detailed introduction to the world of forex trading. It s specially written to give complete guide for those just stepped into the world of forex trading as Anna Coulling spent more than sixteen years on the business It s Coulling s third book on forex trading, though she stated it s prequel to her two former books. Another book by Raghee Horner, Thirty Days of Forex Trading, makes a good guide for those with basic knowledge on forex trading This book is made for people who already grasped the basic of forex trading and intended to continue into joining the business. Taking deeper knowledge on the business is what Ashraf Laidi s Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis will give This book will explain what truly d rives currency market and how to master it So that, even beginner traders can manage to profit in this business. If You Liked This You May Also Like. What You Need To Know About Level 2 Stock Market Quotes. August 16, 2012 Written By - Elisa Lee. InvestorsHub Harrisonville MO. Level 2 stock data is the most important tool you can have when buying or selling a stock The level II stock quotes show the full order book for a given stock Level 2 stock software tool was originally for institutional traders and brokers but InvestorsHub allows anybody to access tool It is an electronic replacement for the old open outcry style trading floor. And they walked up hill both ways, in the snow, to buy the stocks. Level 2 stock software replaces this old outcry system People all over the world can see the buy and sell orders on the computer with InvestorsHub level 2 stock software Below is a picture of this same outcry scenario The left column is all the buy orders and the right column is all the sell order s. The left column represents people trying to buy the stock The buy column is arranged from highest to lowest price This is because sellers are interested in the highest bid available A seller wants to get as much money as possible for the stock Most important information for sellers should be at the top Each buy order also shows how many shares a buyer is interested in. The right column shows people trying to sell this stock Prices on the right are arranged from lowest to highest Buyers like to pay as little as possible for a stock Each row also shows order volume, market maker and the order time That information isn t available on any level 1 quote page. How Does Level 2 Stock Quotes Help Me Make Money. Level 2 can allow you to roughly gauge what the market is trying to do right now Use this powerful tool to get an idea for the kind of buying support or selling pressure a stock has at various price levels or by individual market makers. Below is an example of Coca-Cola in the level 2 NYS E Do you see more buyers on the left or more sellers on the right There are approximately 10 buyers at 39 43 and only 4 sellers at 39 44 Is this stock more likely to go up or down in the next few minutes There is no crystal ball to see the future but in this scenario the price is more likely to be going up in the very near future. The Level 2 stock tool also shows other very useful things when buying or selling a stock You can see the trades being executed in the bottom right of the tool The price on the left is green, this means it was a buy order The buyer agreed to pay the seller s asking price If lots of trades are executed as buys it is generally a good indicator the stock is going to move up a bit The chart in the top right is also starting to tick upwards Three different indicators in the level 2 picture are showing buying support for Coca-Cola If you are interested in buying then now might be a good time. What Else Can I Do With Level 2.The level 2 tool can also help to avoid los ing money You can use the stock tool to look for indicators when a stock is moving lower If 300 people suddenly decide to sell a stock but only five are trying to buy then the price will probably go down You will see these sells order appear in the tool If that sounds like something you would like to know then subscribing to InvestorsHub level 2 might be a good idea. Forex Trading with Alpari Dependability and Innovation in Trading. Put your money to work. An Account to Give You the Edge. Technological breakthrough for the Forex Market. Alpari and Dmitry Rannev present. the new account. Why Choose Alpari. Today Alpari is one of the worlds largest Forex brokers Thanks to the experience that the company has acquired with years of work, Alpari is able to offer its clients a broad spectre of quality services for modern-age internet trading on the foreign exchange currency market Over one million clients have chosen Alpari as their trusted supplier of Forex services. The Forex FOReign EXchange marke t appeared at the end of the 1970s after many countries decided to unpeg their currency value from that of the US dollar or gold This led to the forming of an international market on which currency could be exchanged and traded freely Today, Forex is the largest financial market in the world It doesnt matter where you live or even where you are right now as long as you have access to the internet, a trading terminal a special program for trading Forex and an account with a Forex broker, all the instruments and opportunities of Forex are open to you. Who Are Traders. Traders are people who work on the Forex market, trying to ascertain the direction in which prices of a currency will go and make a trade for the purchase or sale of that currency As such, by buying a currency cheaper and selling it for more, traders earn money on the Forex market Traders make their decisions based on the analysis of all factors which can affect prices, allowing them to work out precisely in which direction t he prices are moving Profit can be made trading Forex on the fall in price of a currency, just as profit can be made on a rise in the price of a particular currency Furthermore, traders can make trades on the Forex market from anywhere in the world, whether it be London or Timbuktu. Where Can You Learn How to Trade Forex. For novices who have just taken their first steps onto the Forex market, we recommend enrolling in one of our educational courses Through these courses you will learn not only basic knowledge about the foreign exchange market, but also methods of analyzing the Forex Market and also how to avoid making errors which beginner traders often make. With education from Alpari you will gain valuable theoretical knowledge which you will be able to apply when trading Moreover, you will find out about Money Management, learn to take control of your emotions, discover how trading robots can be useful and much more You can take part in the courses from the comfort of your own home on line. Weekly financial analyses and news, ready-to-use trading ideas as well as free analytical services on Alparis website will help you make the correct decisions when trading Forex. How Can You Get Trading Forex. If you have never worked with Forex before, you can test out all of the opportunities of trading currency on a demo account with virtual funds With a demo account you will be able to explore the Forex market from within and develop your own trading strategy You can always take advantage of ready-made solutions by acquainting yourself with feedback from other traders. After you have opened an account, whether it be a demo or live account, you will need to download a special program to work on the Forex market a trading terminal In the terminal you can keep track of market quotes, make trades by opening and closing positions and keep updated with financial news You can choose from trading terminals for PC as well as for mobile devices everything you need to make your work with Fo rex as convenient as possible. You can start trading on the Forex currency market with Alpari having any amount of funds on your account If you would like to try trading Forex on a live account, but to keep the risks as low as possible, try trading with a nano mt4 account where currency is traded in eurocents and US dollar cents. Forex Trading with Alpari Dependability and Innovation in Trading. Put your money to work. An Account to Give You the Edge. Technological breakthrough for the Forex Market. Alpari and Dmitry Rannev present. the new account. Why Choose Alpari. Today Alpari is one of the worlds largest Forex brokers Thanks to the experience that the company has acquired with years of work, Alpari is able to offer its clients a broad spectre of quality services for modern-age internet trading on the foreign exchange currency market Over one million clients have chosen Alpari as their trusted supplier of Forex services. The Forex FOReign EXchange market appeared at the end of the 1970s afte r many countries decided to unpeg their currency value from that of the US dollar or gold This led to the forming of an international market on which currency could be exchanged and traded freely Today, Forex is the largest financial market in the world It doesnt matter where you live or even where you are right now as long as you have access to the internet, a trading terminal a special program for trading Forex and an account with a Forex broker, all the instruments and opportunities of Forex are open to you. Who Are Traders. Traders are people who work on the Forex market, trying to ascertain the direction in which prices of a currency will go and make a trade for the purchase or sale of that currency As such, by buying a currency cheaper and selling it for more, traders earn money on the Forex market Traders make their decisions based on the analysis of all factors which can affect prices, allowing them to work out precisely in which direction the prices are moving Profit can be made trading Forex on the fall in price of a currency, just as profit can be made on a rise in the price of a particular currency Furthermore, traders can make trades on the Forex market from anywhere in the world, whether it be London or Timbuktu. Where Can You Learn How to Trade Forex. For novices who have just taken their first steps onto the Forex market, we recommend enrolling in one of our educational courses Through these courses you will learn not only basic knowledge about the foreign exchange market, but also methods of analyzing the Forex Market and also how to avoid making errors which beginner traders often make. With education from Alpari you will gain valuable theoretical knowledge which you will be able to apply when trading Moreover, you will find out about Money Management, learn to take control of your emotions, discover how trading robots can be useful and much more You can take part in the courses from the comfort of your own home online. Weekly financial analyses and news , ready-to-use trading ideas as well as free analytical services on Alparis website will help you make the correct decisions when trading Forex. How Can You Get Trading Forex. If you have never worked with Forex before, you can test out all of the opportunities of trading currency on a demo account with virtual funds With a demo account you will be able to explore the Forex market from within and develop your own trading strategy You can always take advantage of ready-made solutions by acquainting yourself with feedback from other traders. After you have opened an account, whether it be a demo or live account, you will need to download a special program to work on the Forex market a trading terminal In the terminal you can keep track of market quotes, make trades by opening and closing positions and keep updated with financial news You can choose from trading terminals for PC as well as for mobile devices everything you need to make your work with Forex as convenient as possible. You can s tart trading on the Forex currency market with Alpari having any amount of funds on your account If you would like to try trading Forex on a live account, but to keep the risks as low as possible, try trading with a nano mt4 account where currency is traded in eurocents and US dollar cents. Top 10 Rules For Successful Trading. Most people who are interested in learning how to become profitable traders need only spend a few minutes online before reading such phrases as plan your trade trade your plan and keep your losses to a minimum For new traders, these tidbits of information can seem more like a distraction than any actionable advice New traders often just want to know how to set up their charts so they can hurry up and make money. To be successful in trading, however, one needs to understand the importance of and adhere to a set of rules that have guided all types of traders, with a variety of trading account sizes Each rule alone is important, but when they work together the effects are strong Trading with these rules can greatly increase the odds of succeeding in the markets. Rule No 1 Always Use a Trading Plan. A trading plan is a written set of rules that specifies a trader s entry, exit and money management criteria Using a trading plan allows traders to do this, although it is a time consuming endeavor. With today s technology, it is easy to test a trading idea before risking real money Backtesting applying trading ideas to historical data, allows traders to determine if a trading plan is viable, and also shows the expectancy of the plan s logic Once a plan has been developed and backtesting shows good results, the plan can be used in real trading The key here is to stick to the plan Taking trades outside of the trading plan, even if they turn out to be winners, is considered poor trading and destroys any expectancy the plan may have had Learn more about backtesting in Backtesting Interpreting the Past. Rule No 2 Treat Trading Like a Business. In order to be succe ssful, one must approach trading as a full - or part-time business - not as a hobby or a job As a hobby, where no real commitment to learning is made, trading can be very expensive As a job it can be frustrating since there is no regular paycheck Trading is a business, and incurs expenses, losses, taxes, uncertainty, stress and risk As a trader, you are essentially a small business owner, and must do your research and strategize to maximize your business s potential. Rule No 3 Use Technology to Your Advantage. Trading is a competitive business, and one can assume the person sitting on the other side of a trade is taking full advantage of technology Charting platforms allow traders an infinite variety of methods for viewing and analyzing the markets Backtesting an idea on historical data prior to risking any cash can save a trading account, not to mention stress and frustration Getting market updates with smartphones allows us to monitor trades virtually anywhere Even technology that toda y we take for granted, like high-speed internet connections, can greatly increase trading performance. Using technology to your advantage, and keeping current with available technological advances, can be fun and rewarding in trading. Rule No 4 Protect Your Trading Capital. Saving money to fund a trading account can take a long time and much effort It can be even more difficult or impossible the next time around It is important to note that protecting your trading capital is not synonymous with not having any losing trades All traders have losing trades that is part of business Protecting capital entails not taking any unnecessary risks and doing everything you can to preserve your trading business See Risk Management Techniques For Active Traders for more. Rule No 5 Become a Student of the Markets. Think of it as continuing education - traders need to remain focused on learning more each day Since many concepts carry prerequisite knowledge, it is important to remember that understanding th e markets, and all of their intricacies, is an ongoing, lifelong process. Hard research allows traders to learn the facts, like what the different economic reports mean Focus and observation allow traders to gain instinct and learn the nuances this is what helps traders understand how those economic reports affect the market they are trading Read about 24 different economic reports in our Economic Indicators Tutorial. World politics, events, economies - even the weather - all have an impact on the markets The market environment is dynamic The more traders understand the past and current markets, the better prepared they will be to face the future. Rule No 6 Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose. In rule No 4, I mentioned that funding a trading account can be a long process Before a trader begins using real cash, it is imperative that all of the money in the account be truly expendable If it is not, the trader should keep saving until it is. It should go without saying that the money in a tr ading account should not be allocated for the kid s college tuition or paying the mortgage Traders must never allow themselves to think they are simply borrowing money from these other important obligations One must be prepared to lose all the money allocated to a trading account. Losing money is traumatic enough it is even more so if it is capital that should have never been risked to begin with. Rule No 7 Develop a Trading Methodology Based on Facts. Taking the time to develop a sound trading methodology is worth the effort It may be tempting to believe in the so easy it s like printing money trading scams that are prevalent on the internet But facts, not emotions or hope, should be the inspiration behind developing a trading plan. Traders who are not in a hurry to learn typically have an easier time sifting through all of the information available on the internet Consider this if you were to start a new career, more than likely you would need to study at a college or university for at l east a year or two before you were qualified to even apply for a position in the new field Expect that learning how to trade demands at least the same amount of time and factually driven research and study Refer to Day Trading Strategies For Beginners for a primer on picking the right strategy. Rule No 8 Always Use a Stop Loss. A stop loss is a predetermined amount of risk that a trader is willing to accept with each trade The stop loss can be either a dollar amount or percentage, but either way it limits the trader s exposure during a trade Using a stop loss can take some of the emotion out of trading, since we know that we will only lose X amount on any given trade. Ignoring a stop loss, even if it leads to a winning trade, is bad practice Exiting with a stop loss, and thereby having a losing trade, is still good trading if it falls within the trading plan s rules While the preference is to exit all trades with a profit, it is not realistic Using a protective stop loss helps ensure that our losses and our risk are limited. Rule No 9 Know When to Stop Trading. There are two reasons to stop trading an ineffective trading plan, and an ineffective trader. An ineffective trading plan shows much greater losses than anticipated in historical testing Markets may have changed, volatility within a certain trading instrument may have lessened, or the trading plan simply is not performing as well as expected One will benefit by remaining unemotional and businesslike It might be time to reevaluate the trading plan and make a few changes, or to start over with a new trading plan An unsuccessful trading plan is a problem that needs to be solved It is not necessarily the end of the trading business. An ineffective trader is one who is unable to follow his or her trading plan External stressors, poor habits and lack of physical activity can all contribute to this problem A trader who is not in peak condition for trading should consider a break to deal with any personal problems, be it he alth or stress or anything else that prohibits the trader from being effective After any difficulties and challenges have been dealt with, the trader can resume. Rule No 10 Keep Trading in Perspective. It is important to stay focused on the big picture when trading A losing trade should not surprise us - it is a part of trading Likewise, a winning trade is just one step along the path to profitable trading It is the cumulative profits that make a difference Once a trader accepts wins and losses as part of the business, emotions will have less of an effect on trading performance That is not to say that we cannot be excited about a particularly fruitful trade, but we must keep in mind that a losing trade is not far off. Setting realistic goals is an essential part of keeping trading in perspective If a trader has a small trading account, he or she should not expect to pull in huge returns A 10 return on a 10,000 account is quite different than a 10 return on a 1,000,000 trading account Work with what you have, and remain sensible. Understanding the importance of each or these trading rules, and how they work together, can help traders establish a viable trading business Trading is hard work, and traders who have the discipline and patience to follow these rules can increase their odds of success in a very competitive arena. Read about trading rules in the foreign exchange market in our Forex Trading Rules Tutorial. You love it already and want to start using it immediately Whoa. It looks incredible right Let me tell you this. You really can t imagine how much profit this new indicator is making for me. I usually just put the indicator on the chart, watch movies on my couch and open or close trades whenever it plays a sound alert So ye Profit while watching a movie on my couch Sounds good to me. Ok, now you know how easy and effortless it is to make money with it But to see how insanely profitable it actually is, you have to try it yourself No word can describe the power that li es in it. Now, take a deep breath and listen closely. Forex Profit Master will be officially released on May 4th for public use. However, if you can t wait and want to want to start using it as soon as possible. You can get special VIP Early Access as early as April 30th at 09 00 am EST. VIP Early Access is 100 FREE The product price will be 87 To get your VIP Early. Access, please enter your first name and valid email below and click submit. Forex Profit Master is based on a brand new combinational trading algorithms technology that turns it into a highly powerful money making machine Signals NEVER REPAINT. All the knowledge and experience of the world s best traders and programmers concentrated in a revolutionary Forex Profit Master indicator software could literally explode a trading account of even a complete trading newbie with huge consistent profit. For a trading software to be successful there must be three criteria met it must use a smart profitable trading logic, it must be easy-to-us e and ofcourse it must also be safe and reliable. Forex Profit Master meets all three criteria, so now is the best time for you to see what kind of profit you can achieve with a perfect trading tool such as Forex Profit Master. Easy and Fast Profit on USD CHF M15.Here is how you can start earning commissions with Forex Profit Master.1 If you don t have an account with ClickBank yet, sign up for one 100 FREE here.2 Copy the below Affiliate Hop Link and Replace XXXXX with your ClickBank Affiliate ID. XXXXX 4xsoft hop clickbank.3 Send promotional emails listed below with you affiliate hoplink to your forex mailing list Clickbank will track every sale you make and send your payment according to your preferences every week or every two weeks. And ofcourse you can use any alternative marketing strategy, such as banners, ppc, listing the product on your site etc It s all up to you. Forex Profit Master. Published May 9, 2015 By admin. Forex Profit Master is based on a brand newcombinational trading a lgorithms technology that turns it into a highly powerful money making machine Signals NEVER REPAINT. All the knowledge and experience of the worlds best traders and programmers concentrated in a revolutionary Forex Profit Master indicator software could literally explode a trading account of even a complete trading newbie with huge consistent profit. For a trading software to be successful there must be three criteria met it must use a smart profitable trading logic, it must be easy-to-use and ofcourse it must also be safe and reliable. Forex Profit Master meets all three criteria, so now is the best time for you to see what kind of profit you can achieve with a perfect trading tool such as Forex Profit Master. GBP USD H1 Amazing Profit.4 Winning Trades 0 Losses. Nadex is among the leading Binary Options Brokers of the USA, and is supported by the IG Group which helped establish the spreading of betting in the UK Among the causes of this achievement is that theyve make simpler binary optio ns even additionally by getting rid of the trading language of puts and calls, and having them substituted with the much additionally instinctive Yes and No. Its understandable that Nadex s intended for people whore novices at trading and binary options especially Their website as well as platform presume no former familiarity with the stock market trading generally and so are among the ideal broker for newbie Trading charge Nadexs only one of its kinds because of charging transaction cost which might sound as if an awful thing but actually meaning that their costing structure is obvious The majority of Binary Options Brokers deduct their fee from your incomes. On being ready to disburse you an 80 percent profit theyre in fact making 120 percent and keeping the discrepancy with themselves Website and Sign-up Nadex is indubitably among the most excellent Binary Options Brokers websites around Nadexs supporter IG Group and have clearly spent a considerable amount of capital on the Nadex pl atform as well as website It is both unproblematic to the eye and easily navigable Sign-ups likewise easy with the forms being short and being able to be finished online in below 5 minutes. You are able to have the finished forms printed After that its just a matter of having the money transferred into your account for you to be able to trade Platform as well as Tools The Nadex platform would be immediately recognizable to anybody having made use of IG Indexs platform Visually theyre the same with the lone distinction being the goods traded This is a good thing with the IG Index platform being extremely intuitive and offering some first-rate clear charting options. As mentioned above Nadex has been particularly attentive to the simplifying of the trading experience and have replaced customary trading rhetoric with additionally instinctive language Its as a result perfectly achievable for a beginner having no former trading experience in placing a trade in the Nadex platform Summary Nadex is in a rank of its own and provide way greater than what the majority of further binary options platforms provide. Nadex Review Nadex Rating Score 34 50.Nadex is a binary options was founded in mid-2010 and stands for North American Derivatives Exchange The company s website is open and lists their address showing them to be based in Chicago, USA The platform is 100 web-based. As there is no software download needed, trading is simple You can log in as a member of Nadex and place your orders directly into the exchange Streaming data no need to refresh, data is updated automatically in real-time Trade stock indices, commodities, forex, and economic events with limited risk in a transparent, regulated market. Trade directly into the Nadex order book using top technology Place orders, view real-time prices, review your trading history and manage your account. The website is informative, but it is not so user-friendly But it is 100 web-based, allowing for an easy trading experience. Nadax bin ary options platform is suitable for advanced binary options traders, and not for beginners. Assets Expiry Times 8 5 10.There is an average number of assets that can be traded with Nadex 21 stocks forex and commodities This is a lot, as you are trading through an exchange on a regulated market. Trade with Nadex on the following expiry times intraday hourly, daily and weekly A good choice considering Nadex is regulated by CFTCmissions, Customer Service Return Rates 6 10.There are fees that you will have to pay if you trade binary options with Nadex The fees are 1 for each contract filled and a maximum of 7 for each trade order There is also a 1 fee for each binary option contract settled many fees that only the most experienced binary options trader will choose to trade with Nadex There are also withdrawal fees wire transfer and returned cheques cost 25.Nadex offers you top quality customer service via phone and email or fax or call back Each question and query is handled individually The refore, every time a trader contacts Nadex, they can contact the customer service team to solve their problems Nadex is open for trading from 6 00pm ET Sunday through 4 15pm ET Friday, excluding end-of-day processing hours which occur from 5pm to 6pm ET, Monday through Thursday Customer Service is available during all regular trading session hours The Exchange is closed on most U S holidays. The return rate is up to 75 if your trade wins, but there is no return if your trade loses average for the binary option industry. Deposit Options, Languages Bonuses 3 5 10.Deposit via Wire Transfer, ACH and electronic cheque. Nadax is only available in English o cater for the Nadax exchange traders. No bonus offers mentioned on the site. Additional Features 10 10.There are many additional features on the Nadax website, which is one of its best qualities These are the Rules, Notices, Hours Holidays, Daily Bulletin, Fees and results tabs, which are accessible from the bottom of the homepage great tools f or Nadax traders. Under the Binary Options tab, you can view explanations of How to Trade Binary Options, Binary Contracts, Gold Binary Contracts and Forex Binary Options These are just a few of many of the additional features of the Nadax website. You can also sign up for a 25K demo, a great feature to get into trading with Nadax and binary options On the binary options trading platform, you can change the layouts to whatever you prefer, and save them too, so whenever you log in to your account, the previously saved layout will be in use. There are top quality real time charts that you can monitor your trades with. There are many other features that Nadax has available on their website.2010 2011, Binary Options Review All rights reserved. Online Trading Academy KC - Ron s Blog. Thursday, November 25, 2010.Two Years and Counting. It s Thanksgiving evening The turkey wasn t all that great I m the turkey cook in my house , the ham wasn t all that great cook that too The pecan pie was excellent as was the Mississippi Mud that my niece made My Dad was with us, nearly missing a hospital stay over Thanksgiving Many, many things to be thankful for this time of year. In December, Online Trading Academy will celebrate our second year in business in Kansas City As I think about our first two years, I m thankful for a number of things I m thankful for Kelli, Paul and Chris who are totally devoted to what we do at Online Trading Academy I m thankful for a great Online Trading Academy family that are patient, challenging and inspiring all at once I m thankful for my family who put up with the long hours and weekends. I m thankful most of all, though for the people I ve had the opportunity of meeting and becoming friends with over the last two years First of all I appreciate that everyone that has joined our family at Online Trading Academy to a certain degree agreed with me when I purchased the franchise that what we do at Online Trading Academy is transformational We offer an option to a bleak financial world we offer reason in an age of misinformation We offer hope. Education s value is in what it can provoke us to think to do to be You have proven to me that education is in fact the most powerful force in transformation. Each of you have touched us in your individual ways your stories, your challenges and your dreams. I m looking forward to year 3 - and 4 and. ETRADE vs TradeKing Review. TradeKing vs Etrade. StockBrokers 2014 review compares Etrade vs TradeKing Compare Etrade and TradeKing trade commissions, fees and overall broker ratings by using the chart above Is Etrade or TradeKing a better online broker The StockBrokers staff breaks down all the key broker features, rates, and commissions charged to clients to determine the best broker. There is a very large price difference of 5 04 per stock trade between ETRADE and TradeKing ETRADE s per trade stock price of 9 99 is significantly greater than TradeKing s per trade stock price of 4 95.The ETRADE s Overall rating of 5 stars is a slight advantage over TradeKing s Overall rating of 4 stars. Only ETRADE has an iPad app for tablet trading while TradeKing does not support the device at this time You can find the app in the iTunes app store Both ETRADE and TradeKing have an iPhone App for mobile trading. Stockpair provides not only a top-notch trading platform for their traders, but also great bonuses available to them upon their first deposit in the platform At the moment, there is a 100 bonus claimable for a deposit bigger than 500 that any trader in the system can get his hands on This bonus will surely provide traders with a great amount of money that can be used for trades in the system. This extra sum of money is especially useful for those who have a low fund for investments Moreover, traders can utilize this bonus to practice real-money trades without the risks of losing their own money Traders can gain initial experience with their first deposits As soon as they fund their account with the first deposit, they can claim the first-deposit bonus. Besides this awesome bonus given to the first deposit, traders can claim various other benefits such as unlimited promotion, stop loss take profit, attractive volume cash back, etc These benefits are great motivations to expand their trades in the system. At the time the main bonus from Stockpair is the 100 bonus available to claim for deposits over 500 This bonus is probably the best up their sleeve since it allows traders to capitalize on the first deposit into their fund and to make use of a greater amount of money for their practice and real trades. Alongside the great bonuses, Stockpair offers renovated binary trading system with patented software Trades in binary options along with unique Pair Options can be carried out in this system and enable traders to earn up to 350 for their transactions The Stockpair review provides different insights into the trades to prepare you for the system Using the software is simple and very easy, and you have excellent support from Stockpair The platform has received FBO Awards for winning the Best Banking category and the Best Support category in 2014 Everyone is recommended to trade in Stockpair based on the review we have done. The review on Stockpair provides information on the types of accounts used in the Stockpair system for binary option traders For regular accounts, traders need to make a deposit of at least 500 to claim a signup bonus of up to 25.If the deposit exceeds 1000, traders will be allowed to claim various special features exclusive to these types of traders, making Stockpair a more awesome experience for you. Stockpair silver account 1000 deposit Provides traders with a review of the market, strategy advice and training and trade control. Stockpair gold account 5000 deposit Provides traders with a review of the market, trade expert services, trade indicators and 1 cash back. Stockpair platinum account 20000 deposit Provides traders with features of gold account, and extra 2 cash back of up to 150000.Stockpair VIP account 50000 deposit Provides traders with everything listed above and extra 3 cash back and 6000 investment per trade and a maximum of 30000 in the total positions of traders. The strategy training feature helps traders learn multiple types of binary options and pair options trade methods. Trade contro l feature enables traders to control their risks automatically and get free from sitting next to the computer all day long You only have to set the highest and lowest amount you are willing to lose This feature of Stockpair is exceptionally useful for traders. Trade expert service feature means that a senior trade analyst from Stockpair will provide guidance and analyses for your trades in order to optimize your gains. Cash back feature is free amounts of money automatically funded to your account every month For instance, if you have a trade volume of 20000 in total investments for a specific month and you have a 2 cash back, it means you w ill receive 400 funded to your account at the end of the month no matter whether you win or lose in that month. Stockpair Binary Options. Founded in 2010, Stockpair has made its name as one of the greatest brokerage firms in Binary Options industry Stockpair s specialties lie in two fundamental types as follows. Fixed pair options which involve the stock with the highest profitability that is evaluated over the course of the stock s performance from its purchase to its expiration. Floating pair options which involve the stock that generates the most profits within an unchanged preset period such as a day or a month. With a distinctive and intuitive trading platform, Stockpair enables investors to freely select binary options or pairs Additionally, tradable underlying assets and options are at their choices. The option durations will range from 5 minutes to 150 days depending on the type and volume of your trade. Your options are marked with some colors for easy identification and when you hav e determined which trading way you may go, Stockpair will clarify the supposed return in percentage With a view to simplifying the trading platform down to a user-friendly one, Stockpair will certainly benefit new-comers who have little or no knowledge of trading platforms. To kick off your trading career with this broker, you are required to transfer around 200 to your account as a deposit via such common methods as wire transfer and moneybookers Fortunately, your cash out suffers no ceiling and you can withdraw how much money you like You have to wait only two days to see your money come out. When it comes to customer service, we ve found many compliments on its exceptional multilingual customer support team 8 different languages You can contact the support team via e-mail or phone call and you ll wait no later than 48 hours to get the responses. The broker s clients are able to conduct depositing transactions on Stockpair through various services including popular credit cards like VIS A or MasterCard or through other payment services like Moneybookers and cashU Moreover, the site also accepts wire transfer Traders may use such currencies as British Pound, Euros or US dollars. In terms of withdrawing process, it s also compatible with depositing options mentioned above Two working days is supposed to be the duration of the whole process of cash-out though it can be accelerated However, to see money in your account, you have wait from 3 business days to a working week How long it will take relies on what payment options you choose. Extremely surprising return ratio up to 3 5.Many tradable assets in great diversity. Wide variety of trading accounts to be tailored to unique traders. Easy-to-use and straightforward trading platform. Keep its clients abreast of accurate updated market news through Market Review section. Demo version for getting to know the trading world.200 Euros Pounds US Dollar are necessary as the minimum deposit for the career start. No money back as compens ations for trading losses. Trading orders are not accepted after the market closure. In short, Stockpair is making it easy for traders to extract profit from the equity market In addition to the ground-breaking idea of simplified trading platform, Stockpair also offers traders the highest ever return rate of up to 3 5 that can absolutely not be found at any other brokers With such five-year experience as a broker, Stockpair is worth your try because of its beneficial operating notion. Using Martingale Strategy to trade Binary Options. Today, we ll learn more about the famous Martingale strategy and analyze its pros and cons to Binary Options trading Many people don t really hear of the word Martingale in trading because it is not really well-known in the trading investing field Martingale rather has its name in the betting and gambling fields, mostly Blackjack and Roulette where the chance of winning are almost random The question here is, whether Martingale strategy could apply its utilit y and yield a positive expectancy for financial speculator In this article, we ll talk about Martingale strategy and its application to Binary Option trading and how to use Martingale strategy to trade Binary Options successfully. The Martingale Strategy. Martingale strategy are basically a strategy where you double your trading volume after every bets in the hope that it will cover the previous losing streaks and yield a small profit Martingale strategy is prevalent in the betting world because the outcome is roughly 50 that youll be ending in profit, so, eventually you ll get a win and come out a winner after losses You just keep on doubling until you win it, that s basically it However, because trading is not random like tossing a coin, so applying Martingale strategy needs to be expanded a little bit so that our edge is higher than the mare 50 A very good example for the thought of using Martingale strategy in Binary Options is actually the underlying asset itself, for example, a cur rency pair, we ll need to determine which one is outperform the other to make trading decision Whenever there s a 50 of thing, people often refer to Martingale as one of the strategy. Refer to this picture above, you ll easily understand how to use Martingale in betting or trading For instance, you expect the Eur Usd to rally in the next 10 minutes, you place a call, for example, you invest 10, it unfortunately results in a loss This time, you expect Gold to drop, you place a put, however, this time, you ll double your investment, it means you ll invest 20 this time Unfortunately, Gold continues to rally and your trade result in another loss again Until now you ve lost two trade in a row A few minutes later, another opportunity appears depends on your trading method, you forecast that Crude Oil is rally enough, it s meant to have a short retracement, you place a put for that anticipation This time, you ll double your previous investment, you ll have to investment 40 The market, this tim e, does exactly as what you were expecting, you win 40 after price expired So, your winner is 40, your losses are 30 You end the day with 10 profit Therefore, if you believe that your trading ability won t let you have too many losses in a row and you have a decent bankroll, then this strategy might be very sound for you. Apply Martingale Strategy to Binary Options. Only a blind gambler would use the Martingale as a sole strategy to beat the market If I want to use the Martingale strategy as my only strategy, I would rather choose Sports or Blackjack to invest because it s way more entertaining than the complicated financial instruments We should use the Martingale in conjunction with our other sound trading methods For example, if you are a Price Action trader, you often predict the market in the right way but you keep on losing because you don t have a sound money management method, then the Martingale strategy might be for you because it s a fixed money management system in place all you have to do is apply it accordingly. Binary Options Traders Beware. While the Martingale system looks like a sound trading method in the paper because it seems to help you recover all your losses in only one trade, this strategy has its own flaw In a bad day, you might have a very bad losing streak and the losses will accumulate extremely fast which you won t be able to imagine until you experience it In the table above, after only 5 trades, you already lost 310 after initially trade a volume of 10 It s just accumulating when you are losing. If you don t have a deep pocket, you ll get burn fast in a bad day If you are mentally not stable given you just starting out trading , you will be emotionally shaking because the losses is very big Even if you have deep pocket, if you are emotionally not stable, you ll suffer severe results when the trading psychology comes into play For more on trading psychology, read our article Why Do Traders Fail. On a good side is that you ll have a slight ed ge that currencies will never devalue to the point that it reaches zero It basically means that, at some point, the currency will get stronger than its previous self, so if you commit to the cause until the very end, you ll come out a winner in theory However, only if you could handle a very big losing trades after the long losing streak like previously mentioned Another advantage for Binary Options traders who trade currency pair is that, like savings, the currency will yield interest over time Therefore, many Binary Options trader buy the currency that carry a higher interest rate than others, to get the interest over the long term, while using the Martingale strategy to cover the losses. In conclusion, Martingale could be a sound method if use properly but could be a devastating method if not use it blindly Therefore, its advisable to always think thoroughly and remember to do trials and errors before applying any trading strategy. Good Luck and Good Trading. Oil Trading Strategy. Being among the most heavily traded commodity, oil has long been very appealing to traders The fact that oil often features strong movements and is highly influenced by global events as well as supply and demand tells us why there are almost always trade opportunities with this commodity The only things that concern traders are when to trade and in which direction Since oil is greatly volatile, I found that we can use binary options to make profits provided that we can make out the direction in its movement soon enough And that is just what the strategy discussed today is all about. Before we start, I would like you to read more about trading binary options commodities As for the strategy, it is, in my opinion, one of the simplest yet effective ones I have encountered in a while It is essentially a trend following strategy that utilizes two indicators for the determination of trend and the retracement to be followed by trend resumption In other words, we enter the trade when price has strong movement in one direction, then moves back in the opposite direction, and when the first direction is resumed The two indicators used by this strategy are the TCCI, which is a Moving Average based indicator, and the Oil Biz indicator that puts an arrow at our point of entry Both of them are available for download at the end of this article I found this strategy on forexstrategiesresources, and its original author is Janus Trader Below is the result you should get once you have successfully installed the indicators on your Meta Trader 4 terminal. The TCCI is the line on the chart, and it resembles a Moving Average with changing colors, whereas the arrows are generated by the Oil Biz indicator According to the strategy, we have a trade when both indicators are showing the same color The author claims that the indicators need to meet one special condition A trade is confirmed if the TCCI is green both sides of the candle with an up buy arrow or red both sides of the candle with the arrow This instruction is rather confusing to me, because I don t know how the TCCI can be red or green both sides of the candle After a while of studying the chart, I think this is what he is trying to say sometimes the TCCI will change on the same candle the arrow shows up, thus making it look like half of the candle corresponds to the green zone of the TCCI and half to the red zone You should not place any trade with those signals Taking a careful look at the chart may make it simpler for you Below is the summary of how we trade with this strategy. A Green up arrow appears. A Red Down arrow appears. Time Frame 30 minutes. Expiry time Unknown at the moment but I would prefer a long one. The main drawback of this system, in my opinion, is its use of two unfamiliar indicators, at least to me I don t feel comfortable using this strategy just because I have never heard about the TCCI or the Oil Biz Moreover, I believe this strategy could be improved by using an additional trend filter, because usin g the strategy as it is now will lead you to trading retracement instead of the trend consumption. The good thing about this system is that we can easily follow and back test it, especially when the indicators don t re-paint Although this strategy does not generate outstanding results, it is still appreciated for its consistency I guess it s fine to have losses provided that you will have more In the Money trades than Out of the Money This strategy does not generate big profits quickly, but it s still better than nothing at all. The author designed this strategy for trading Oil futures, which enable the traders to manage their money better and opt for a higher risk to reward ratio In other words, traders can lose, for instance, 2 trades but make up for the losses with just one win Unfortunately, we do not have that kind of luxury in binary options trading unless we double our initial trade, which I absolutely won t do and I wouldn t recommend you to either Although this is not the most a ccurate strategy I ve known, it is great because it uses a good risk to reward ratio Nevertheless, I will try it on a Binary Options demo account to see whether it is readily applicable to binary options trading. Tom galati online trading academy Binary Deposit Bonus brandondoss. July 24, 2015 Comments Off on Tom galati online trading academy Binary Deposit Bonus brandondoss. Tom galati online trading academy vip binary options signals indicators. 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Allen H, Hawkings J, Sato S 2001 Electronic trading and its implications for the financial systems BIS Papers No 7 Electronic Finance A New Perspect Challeng 2001 7 30 52.Boehmer E 2005 Dimensions of execution quality recent evidence for US equity markets J Financ Econ 2005 78 553 582 CrossRef. Boehmer E, Jennings R, Wei L 2007 Public disclosure and private decisions equity market execution quality and order routing Rev Financ Stud 2007 20 315 358.Chan L, Wonk AWK 2012 Automated trading with genetic algorithm neural network Risk cybernetics An application on FX Markets Finamatrix Journal, Leading Dedicated Research in Risk Control for Sustainable Returns. Chen JS 2005 Trading strategy generation using genetic algorithms Asian J Inform Technol 4 4 310 322.Chen JS, Deng SX, Lin PC 2000 Generation of trading strategies using genetic algorithms In Proceedings of the fifth joint conference on information sciences. Dempster MAH, Payne TW, Romahi Y, Thompson GWP 2001 Computational learning techniques for intraday FX Trading using popular technical indicators IEEE Trans Neural Network 12 4 744 754 CrossRef. Doherty CG 2003 Fundamental analysis using genetic programming for classification rule induction Genetic algorithms and genetic programming at Stanford 2003 Standford Bookstore, 45 51.Drake AE, Marks RE 1998 Genetic algorithms in economics and finance forecasting stock market prices and foreign exchange A review Working paper series of the Australian Graduate School of Management University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Dunis C, Harris A, Leong S, Nacaskul P 1999 Optimising intraday trading models with genetic algorithms Neura l Network World 9 3 193 223.Ergin NH 2007 Architecting system of systems Artificial life analysis of financial market behavior Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of philosophy in systems engineering, Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Missouri-Rolla, USA. Farnsworth GV, Kelly JA, Othling AS, Pryor RJ 2004 Successful technical trading agents using genetic programming Sandia Report Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fu F, Krishnamurti C, Sequeira J 2003 Stock exchange governance and market quality J Bank Financ 27 9 1859 1878 CrossRef. Garvey R, Wu F 2009 Intraday time and order execution quality dimensions J Financ Market 12 2 203 228 CrossRef. Hendershott T, Moulton PC 2010 Automation, speed, and stock market quality the NYSE s hybrid J Financ Market 14 2011 568 604.Hirabayashi A, Aranha C, Iba H 2009 Optimisation of the trading rule in foreign exchange using Genetic algorithm In Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on ge netic and evolutionary computation GECCO 09.Holland J 1975 Adaptation in natural and artificial systems An introductory analysis with applications to biology, control and artificial intelligence University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. Hryshko A, Downs T 2003 An implementation of genetic algorithms as a basis for a trading system on the foreign exchange market The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation 03 3 1695 1701 CrossRef. Kapishnikov A, Borisov A 2001 Technical rules optimisation using intelligent hybrid systems Institute of Information Technology of Riga Technical University, Latvia. Koskinen J, Airas J, Nummelin T, Pekkala T, Starczewski J 2008 Exploring algorithms for automated FX trading constructing an hybrid model Seminar on case studies in operations research Helsinki University of Technology, Finnland. Koza JR 1992 Genetic programming on the programming of computers by means of natural selection Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge London, MA England. Lazarus C, Hu H 2001 Using genetic programming to evolve robot behaviours In Proceedings of the 3rd British conference on autonomous mobile robotics and autonomous systems, Manchester, UK. Li J, Tsang EPK 1999 Improving technical analysis predictions an application of genetic programming American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Lin L, Cao L, Wang J, Zhang C 2004 The Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Stock Market Data Mining Optimisation Wessex Institute of Technology Press, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Lohpetch D, Corne D 2009 Discovering effective technical trading rules with genetic programming towards robustly outperforming buy-and-hold World Cong Nat Biol Inspire Comput 1 439 444.Matsui K, Sato H 2011 A comparison of genotype representations to acquire stock trading strategy using genetic algorithms Lect Note Comput Sci 6260 11 56 70.Mitchell M 1995 Genetic algorithms An overview Complexity 1 1 31 39 CrossRef. Neely CJ, Weller P, Dittmar R 19 97 Is technical analysis in the foreign exchange market profitable J Financ Quant Anal 32 4 405 26 CrossRef. Nieto MJ 2001 Reflections on the regulatory approach to E-finance BIS Papers No 7 Electronic Finance A New Perspect Challenge 2001 7 90 97.Noguer M 2010 Statistical arbitrage and algorithmic trading overview and applications PhD Thesis Departamento de Economia Aplicada Cuantitativa II, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales, UNED. Payo-Molina L, Perez-Gonzalez P 2010 Sistemas Expertos Trading Inteligencia en Redes y Comunicaciones, 28 36.Pappu S 2011 Evolutionary algorithms Project report Department of Electronics Telecommunication Engineering, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Munshi Nagar, Mumbai, India. Roberts MC 2002 The value of technical analysis Departament of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Sato S, Hawkings J 2001 Electronic finance an overview of the issues BIS Papers No 7 Electronic Finance A New Perspect Challenge 2001 7 1 12.Subramanian H 2004 Evolutionary algorithms in optimisation of technical rules for automated stock trading Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in engineering Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas, USA. Subramanian H, Ramamoorthy S, Stone P, Kuipers BJ 2006 Designing safe, profitable automated stock trading agents using evolutionary algorithms In Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. Weber S, Zysman J 2001 E-finance and the politics of transitions BIS Papers No 7 Electronic Finance A New Perspect Challenge 2001 7 26 29.Alle Kapitel aus diesem Buch. Unique blend of TCG and tabletop. In-depth loot system. Features PvE campaign and competitive PvP. Card Hunter is a 2D browser-based game that combines elements of a trading card game and table-top gaming Developed and published by Blue Manchu, Card Hunter gives players the experience to play as a person, playing a role-playing game Guided by your awkward tofu-pizza eating Game Master, Gary, battle monsters in dungeons And other challenges as you amass a powerful team. 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Consider a hypothetical portfolio of 100,000, of which the investor decides 90,000 is the absolute floor If the portfolio falls to 90,000 in value, the investor would move all assets to cash to preserve capital. The value of the multiplier is based on the investor s risk profile and is typically derived by first asking what the maximum one-day loss could be on the risky investment The multiplier will be the inverse of that percentage So, if one decides that 20 is the maximum crash possibility, the multiplier value will be 1 20 , or 5 Multiplier values between 3 and 6 are very common. Based on the information provided, the investor would allocate 5 x 100,000 - 90,000 or 50,000 to the risky asset, with the remainder going into cash or a riskless asset. The timetable for rebalancing is up to the investor , with monthly or quarterly being oft-cited examples Ideally, the cushion value will grow over time, allowing for more money to flow into the risky asset If, however, the cushion drops, the investor may need to sell a portion of the risky asset in order to keep the asset allocation targets intact. Forex Trading made Simple, Fun and Easy. Here are a few great reasons for choosing JF Lennon as your choice for learning to trade Forex with. Reason 1 We are not a brokerage company. 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We live to trade, and love to teach JF Lennon stands for J oin - F orex L earning Lennon is Learning in Greek Our CEO, Co-Founder of JF Lennon and Chief Trainer Mr Jimmy Wong has been trading successfully for the past 8 years and his turning point aha moment to start a Forex Institute came when he saw one of his best friends getting his trading account facing the dreaded margin call based on a poor trade call of a reputable Forex company He jumped into starting an Institute to fulfill his life mission and passion of coaching to educating members of the public into the proper ways of trading, risk management, emotional control and learning to survive in the Forex markets To date Jimmy has personally mentored over 20,000 students both locally and internationally on how to become profitable traders starting ev en with no prior knowledge Jimmy is. a master at reading Forex Candlesticks and Price-Action. personally making over 5 figure profits per day just on Forex trading trading via his personal account and not via the Institute. a stickler for proven results For a particular trading challenge, he traded with SGD 2,800 to over SGD 100,000 in 6 months as a challenge to his students - Notarized certified his trading results with an established Singaporean Law Firm and proceeded to donate the proceeds to charity. the first local and Chinese speaker of the National Achievers Congress 2012.he traded LIVE in front of thousands with proven and recorded results. a true trader at heart and has shared hundreds of profitable trade opinions to his students. a really fun guy to be around. His achievements includes accolades, awards and media mentions such as. Regions Top Trader - By Singapore Business Times 2010.Singapore s Outstanding Enterprise Award Winner 2012.Promising SME 500 Award Winner 2012.Emerging Win ners of SME ONE ASIA Awards 2012.Most Promising Entrepreneur Award Winner by APEA Asia-Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2012.Singapore Brands Award Winner Local and Regional Awards 2012 2013mittee Representative for Financial Sector Singapore Brands 2012 2013.And has been featured in all major publications and media in. Singapore Business Times. Singapore Straits Times. Channel News Asia. Yiwu Shangbao Shanghai, China. Some of Jimmys students have been also featured in Business Times, and have been featured as savvy traders and investors with credit to JF Lennon. Reason 3 We are established, and trusted by thousands. JF Lennon has been established since 2008 We are the first and only Forex Institute in the world to be ISO 9001 2008 Certified by the UKAS - meaning our Institute has extremely high and stringent standards for providing proper education and support for all new students At any moment in time, we have over 900 students enrolled in our Forex courses So you can be assured that we are here to stay to offer Forex courses all the way from beginner to advanced levels and to support our student network In Singapore, there is only 1 one established Forex Institute and were proud and confident to say thats us Over the past half decade weve produced many successful traders whove gone on to focus on Forex as a full time endeavor Part of our achievement includes 2 students who started with less than 10,000 and who have since become millionaires just by trading Forex When you join JF Lennon, you will also get to share your interest and passion for Forex with the rest of our family students at our institute, the teachers and staff. Reason 4 We are fanatical about results. We continuously track and test our Forex strategies on a weekly basis and provide regular updates on the Forex market to our students to ensure continuous profitability and reliability The Forex market is always evolving and our strategies are monitored closely by our dedicated team of in-house researchers and data analysts The hard truth is that Forex strategies DO and WILL change from time to time and weve been always the first to provide crucial updates to our students whenever there is a change in the market or in one of our proprietary strategies We have since provided a number of major strategy updates to all of our students for free since 2008 and are prepared to do so for the future when the external trading environment changes again. Reason 5 We are realistic about we teach. You will experience losses while trading You will experience the lows when you have a trade go against you despite what news, trends or trading signals you trade with Thats just part of the game when you trade Forex Theres no strategy, course or industry secrets that will guarantee you a 100 win rate Not even 80 if you do know of a 100 method let us know To help you along think of Forex as a business Our trading profits are our gross revenue our losses are our business expenses Our net profit equates to our gross revenue minus our business expenses And just like any business, service or industry you aim to be profitable at the end of the day What we do is to teach and guide you to having the highest probability trades that continuously keep you afloat, profitable through strict emotional and money management rules Our methodologies and strategies are designed to allow you to be ahead of 80 of traders who lose and to be part of the winning 10 of traders who stay ahead of the game. Reason 6 Learning how to trade isnt rocket science. Our Forex courses and programmes are structured to have. No requirements for financial or trading backgrounds i e You dont need a degree in Finance to learn Forex trading. No minimum age requirement to learn our youngest student is 13 years old, and our eldest is 88.No requirement for complex and confusing technical indicators. No knowledge required on reading financial reports, balance sheets like Equities Stocks Private Companies. No waiting for news or rumors to affect o r move the market. No requirement to look at the charts all the time takes only mere minutes a day. No day-trading or scalping required i e entering and exiting a position within seconds. No vague estimations or guesswork involved. No need to wait or stare at the chart after youve placed a trade. No waiting weeks for a trade to close our signals and trades complete typically within hours some within minutes. No need to manually close trades when it has reached the profit level our trading platform of choice does that automatically even while youre asleep. No involving huge amount of capital to invest with start as low as 500USD and each trade taken is only a maximum of 3-5 risk of your existing trading capital. A clear-as-day trade signal and set-up to confidently trade, or to just stay away from the market. Only ONE chart to look at nothing more. We trade clear, obvious set-ups by analysing real-time immediate price-action via candlestick patterns. In short we trade what the candlesticks tell us. Reason 7 We believe in keeping things simple. We love a clean, simple to read chart to work with Based on our research, weve found that having less is more Multiple technical indicators broadly categorized into leading oscillators and lagging momentum technical indicators often tend to confuse and at most times, give conflicting buy sell signals to the trader. What other Forex Schools teach you This is what we call Indicator hell. Reason 8 Trading profitably can be easy with the right strategies and mindset. Forex Trading For Dummies. Forex trading gives equal and fair opportunities for everyone to earn good income on a regular basis This is one of the reasons why there has been a tremendous increase in the number of traders, all over the globe Trading is a skill, which can be acquired with experience and proper knowledge Some of the traders master the skills soon, while others need more time to learn the basics. There are no set rules for acquiring the skills and techniques to become a suc cessful trader Quite a few traders prefer to learn the knowledge from an expert mentor, who will explain them the rules in an elaborated manner While others can easily apprehend them by referring to the tips and references, found on the net Coaching method of Forex trading is quite helpful for the beginners, who intend to invest their money, but fear the loss. Basics of Trading. No matter whether you need or don t need a mentor, it s quite important to know how to trade in various stock markets Trading is all about making quick decisions, and predicting the future market conditions It is not possible to acquire this knowledge overnight Trading through dummy account will make you aware of various things that need to be done, while buying and selling the shares In other words, it makes you comfortable with the procedure, and makes you an expert. As the names suggest, dummy Forex trading is carried out in a fictitious environment, where the aspiring traders can buy and sell shares, without a ny money involved in it They get enough opportunities to learn from the mistakes and practice until they are confident of their moves Trading mentor will teach you the basic skills, which is undoubtedly important However, you might agree to a fact that theoretical knowledge differs when applied practically. What Do Mentors DO. They help you in coping with the psychological factors, which can impact the aspiring investors performance. Introduce you to different types of risk involved in the FOREX trading. Teach you how to handle your accounts. All of this knowledge is important, but are not enough to become a successful trader Through dummy account, you will know about the things that need to be done in order to become a good trader. Forex Trading For Beginners. Everyone wants to earn extra money on a regular basis The aspiring traders can do so by investing in shares and debentures Many of them prefer to learn the skills from a reliable website They can refer to some of the useful information that will uplift their trading ability, which will help them to earn maximum returns They can also learn about best practice that will increase the profit earning capacity of every trader. The websites are uploaded with useful tools that will be quite helpful in FOREX trading Apart from using the tools, the traders also have to learn the skills, techniques, and procedure that will make them a successful trader Beginners can have a look at the Forex forum that provides them with all the important trading information Also, it gives you an opportunity to interact with different traders and read their reviews. All this information will boost your confidence and make you a better trader There are expert guides, who can help you, in case you still face difficulties in understanding the trading terminologies. Relevance of Learning the Basics. You can never become a successful Forex trading expert, unless you have a clear understanding about the basics Even a small detail matters a lot, when you are trading with real currency Political turbulence, economic slowdown, depreciation of currency value, and others are some of the factors that can majorly impact your investment All these factors need to be considered prior to investing into any plan. Traders need to keep themselves updated with all the latest news that can positively or negatively impact your earning potential Also, you need to know the value of base currency value, as it will help you to predict the appropriate profit that you can earn, regularly. Traders can gain proper knowledge about Forex trading by practicing on the dummy account If you are hiring the services of a broker, then it s necessary that you check the following things. Services rendered by them. Tips and guidance offered by their experts. How well are they updated with the latest market condition. Special services rendered by them. Always start with small funds. Forex Trading For A Living. With proper knowledge and experience, traders can earn lucrative return s from the trading activities, on a regular basis It is necessary to invest in appropriate funds in the FOREX trading market, so the earnings will suffice your expenses If you invest little funds, then you might not be able to earn enough money to meet your financial ends. Simple Skills to Trade in Stock Market. In order to become a full time Forex trading expert, you can study the market condition thoroughly and understand various risks involved in trading The novice traders are usually not comfortable in investing huge funds, due to the fear of losing money You can earn maximum funds, through experience and proper knowledge about trading in the share market. To begin with, traders can start with small investments, where they get better opportunities to learn the skills and techniques of Forex trading It is quite necessary to keep away emotions, as they might impact your chances of earning better income Instead of worrying about the losses, traders can concentrate on maintaining the prop er track record, something which can be achieved over a period of time. Tips to earn maximum returns on the funds invested. Research well before investing in any type of shares or stocks. Don t choose a plan arbitrarily, as they might cause you heavy loss. Gather all the tips and references that will help you to earn better every time. Consider all the risk factors, before funding in a particular plan. The traders need to get immediate information on the tips, so that they can buy and sell the shares, securities, and debentures on time Also, they can trade online, which is the fastest way to earn maximum funds, within a short period of time Online brokers are always there to help you, and guide you in trading in the stock market. Having enough money is not an assurance that you will always earn maximum profit Trading is usually carried out in turbulent market condition, and a trader has to be always ready for tackling different market situations To become a good trader, it is necessary that y ou learn from your mistakes and apprehend better ways to minimize the possibilities of incurring any loss. Forex Trading Strategies. Forex trading is one of the fastest and most sure shot ways of making money online, provided that you have developed the right winning strategy After all, you can become a success Forex trader just by making blind decisions Forex is a risky business, and if you want to gain profit from this market, you need to follow the right strategy The right strategy will not only minimize your risks, but also maximize your earnings Here are some of the best Forex trading strategies that a majority of Forex experts follow and recommend. Leverage strategy This one is one of the most well-known and successful Forex trading strategies followed by experts Based on leverage, this strategy allows you to earn several times the amount of money you would earn from other strategies A large number of Forex traders have used this strategy to gain record breaking profits But before y ou apply it in your trading, you will need to learn a lot about the working of Forex market, what can affect the rise and fall in the market, and how. Stop loss order strategy This strategy works just by identifying the point where you should not trade This means that you will have to identify such points even before you start trading For this, you will have to analyze the signals of trading and avoid prediction related mistakes Even a small mistake in Forex market can cost you dearly So, you will have to make your decisions very wisely. Automated system Automated system of trading makes the entire concept of trading a lot easier and faster This system allows you to know when to enter the trade, and when to exit You can buy such automated systems at a very reasonable cost, and with the right one, you will be able to gain unbelievable profits If you are a serious Forex investor, an automated Forex system is really worth a purchase. All these Forex strategies can give you better opportuniti es to gain profit in the Forex market But remember, no matter which strategy or system you apply, nothing can guarantee 100 success in this highly lucrative market So, employ such strategies in your trade, and maximize your success rate for sure. Minnesota Options Trading and Commodities. Minnesota Options Trading Listing - Stocks, Options learn. 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Notably Grave in US virtually for nature binary is due in nevada Suitably Likeable in US unadjusted for taking 7 winning strategies trading forex review is 7 winning strategies trading forex review in russia Also Likeable in US miraculously for nature associated tarding due in nice The hallmark there was very, favorable butter and other markets. Online trading Geojit Vs Indiabulls. I want to do online trading and I have shortlisted Geojit and Indiabulls as my options. I am confused as to who provides better online trading service Geojit charges 0 4 brokerage and Indiabulls charges 0 5 brokerage. for online trading But I need to open a demat account with either of them to do online trading. And Indiabulls charges one time fee Rs 700 for both demat and trading account while geojit charges Rs 200 for opening demat trading account. and Rs 275 as maintenance fee for demat account. I am also wondering if Geojit has really any customers. I went through the other related threads and no one has commented about Geojit online trading service. It would be great if somebody helps me in choosing the right one. Introduction to Candles. Japanese Candlesticks have been around for centuries they were originally developed by the Japanese and are used to today on trading charts. The col ors represent if the price went up or down during that candle The candle represents a period of time It depends on what kind of chart you have open If it is a five minute chart than the each candle represents the total movement of the price during that candle I always enter trades after a candle closes because sometimes you can get a price spike during a candle that will not last and if you enter then you can get caught with a losing trade. The Candle Below is called a Doji that means the price did not change during the candle It went up and down while the candle was open but at the time the candle closed the price was the same or very little change. Sometimes a doji candle can signal a reverse in price if there has been a strong run one way or the other. Sometimes a doji candle can signal a reverse in price if there has been a strong run one way or the other. The hammer is when the price has had strong movement down then it suddenly stops and reverses as shown by the wick A strategy you c an implement is to enter a trade on the next candle after a hammer if the new candle is heading the opposite direction. Below is a pattern called the shooting star. Shooting star is the same as a hammer only to the upside and can be used the same way Enter a short trade at the opening of the next candle This pattern can also be called a morning star. The next pattern is called engulfing candle. This pattern shows a reversal because the small candle is getting engulfed by the larger one but the key is that the engulfing candle must be going the opposite way. Using Candles in Trading. We use Candlesticks to find our buy and sell setups Watch the video below to find out how to find precise entry and exit points. An outline of the very simple trading plan that will cover all aspects for trading Brilliant stuff. So far this page is still under construction due to the roll out schedule being brought forward by 3 weeks. As mentioned in the Live Training Room this video is a summary of everything discu ssed today and will now be the main Ding-a-ling-a-ding-dong trading strategy. The full text is only available to subscribers click here to subscribe. The full text is only available to subscribers click here to subscribe. Fake Break Reversal. Out of all the patterns that I ve traded with and developed over the years this is the one that has given me the biggest headache. A solid trading plan is the cornerstone of your trading business Unfortunately many traders think that all they need is a trading strategy This is NOT the case Let me explain the difference between a trading strategy and a trading plan. A trading strategy tells you when to enter and when to exit trades A trading plan is more comprehensive than a trading strategy A trading plan covers at least seven elements. The market s you want to trade. The timeframes you want to trade, e g 5 min, 10 min, tick or range bars. A brief description of the strategies you want to trade and when to use what strategy. The entry rules of the strategie s. The exit rules of the strategies. Other important rules e g when to trade and when not to trade. The money management approach you are using. You will notice that I approach the markets with multiple trading strategies Every professional trader uses more than one trading strategy for a very simple reason Typically trading strategies are either trend-following or trend-fading Trend-following strategies work well in trending markets, but they do not perform well in sideways markets You can t trade ONE strategy all the time When the markets are trending, you use a trend-following strategy, and when they are going sideways, you use a trend-fading strategy. Here s the hierarchy in which I use my trading strategies. Whenever I can, I use the Simple Strategy or the Fibonacci Strategy which are trend-following strategies When the markets are trending, THESE are the trading strategies of my choice, since I can use a larger profit target than stop loss Typically trend-following strategies are more rewarding than trend-fading or scalping strategies, and that s why THESE strategies are my first choice. When the markets are moving sideways, I use the Ping Pong Strategy since this strategy is perfect for sideways markets. If I missed an early entry into a trend, I use the Boomerang Strategy to catch the tail-end of a trend Typically you will see that a market starts to trend, then retraces and after a short pause it continues the move in the direction of the trend, even if it is just for a few points The Boomerang Strategy takes advantage of these situations. In the beginning of the trading day and during transitions I like to use the Seahawk Strategy This strategy is a scalping strategy and as such the average profit per trade is rather low, but I love trading this strategy when I can t use any of the other strategies As an example, the markets often try to find a direction in the first 5-10 min of trading During this time it is hard to tell if the markets will trend or go sideways, s o I use Seahawk and try to get a couple of quick trades while the markets make up their mind And I like to use it at the end of the trend Often I see that the trend loses steam and might be over, but the it takes 2-3 more bars or candles before I can tell for sure that the market is moving sideways and therefore use the Ping Pong strategy I could sit on my hands or trade Seahawk while I am waiting for a clear entry signal according to Ping Pong. As you can see, it s not that difficult And if you read my article on Trade The Trend , then you already know how to identify the beginning and the end of a trend. And that s the main purpose of a trading plan Defining what trading strategies you trade and when Take a look at my trading plan to get some ideas And then start writing your own trading plan A trading plan is something very personal it s something that fits YOUR trading personality and style Something that YOU are comfortable with, since YOU will trade it every day. Take the time to wr ite a solid trading plan that you can then test on a simulated account. To learn more from Markus, please visit his blog at RockwellTrading. A Turtles-Style Breakout Strategy.09 August, 2015 GMT. Let Expert Forex Traders teach you how to trade profitably Register for online trading courses at FX Academy - Free Signup. Some traders prefer to use breakout points to signal their trend entries, others prefer to use indicators which just show strong directional momentum Who is right, and which works better. The Turtle Traders. In the early 1980s, the famous trader Richard Dennis bet his partner that he could take raw recruits and turn them into very profitable traders by teaching them a fairly simple trading system To cut a long story short, he was indeed able to recruit some novices, give them a system and capital, and watch them make spectacular profits over a period of a few years For a long time, there was a lot of speculation about exactly what this superbly profitable trading strategy was A few years ago, some of the original Turtles published the rules of the strategy that was given to them. The Turtle Trading System. The heart of the system governing trade entries was to trade a range of instruments, entering long when a price made a 55 day high or short at a 55 day low Donchian channel breakouts Stop loss was simply a function of volatility, and were calculated by the instruments average true range ATR It was a trend trading system. It is generally believed that this kind of breakout system does not work well anymore, particularly in the Forex market where Forex breakouts very often become fake-outs However I have been surprised to find from my own research that Turtles style trading can actually work very well in the Forex market, compared to more complex entry systems involving indicators, time of day etc. Turtles Style Trading in Forex. As the Turtles traded a diverse range of markets, you would think that a key part of successfully applying their methods in the Forex m arket would be to trade all currency pairs equally In fact, research shows that the USD is the key driver of the Forex market, and that USD currency pairs have a strong propensity to trend This might well change in the future if the USD lost its role as the primary global currency, but for now it holds true After the USD, the Euro is the next most strongly trending currency So it is a good idea to only apply this trading strategy to USD currency pairs. The Turtles used 55 day and occasionally 20 day breakouts This periods are too short-term for the modern Forex market Since 2008, a 70 day period corresponding to 3 months has been a great trend indicator, and it also worked well before then in the earlier part of the modern Forex era. One final twist can be added to improve performance The entry prices for each currency pair can be calculated at the close of each day and entry orders set accordingly The stop loss is also calculated as a function of the average true range However if the pr ice is below or falls below the stop loss price before the entry price is triggered, no trade should be taken This mechanism prevents trades being entered where it is likely that the price will find itself exhausted very soon after the breakout happens. Enter long when the price breaks the highest price of the last 70 days or short when it breaks the low of the last 70 days, provided the stop loss price is not breached before entry. The stop loss may be based upon 0 5, 1 or 2 units of the 20 day average true range. A consistent trade size in cash should be used, and it should ideally be kept small, at not more than 0 25 of capital per 2 times ATR. Trade only the major USD pairs and commodity currencies paired with USD A fundamental analysis filter may be used to improve trade selection. A range of methods may be used to determine trade exits. Back Test Results. A back test was conducted for the period beginning April 2001 and ending in June 2015, which is a fairly long period The average expe ctancy per trade is shown per currency pair and in total in the table below, using stop loss sizes of 0 5, 1, and 2 units of the 20 day average true range, and various profit targets based upon reward to risk ratio Spreads, commissions, slippage and overnight financing are not factored in to the results. It is obvious that this is a robust and profitable strategy over time, especially at the higher reward to risk ratios There were of course almost twice as many trades triggered for 1 and 2 ATR than there were for 0 5 ATR, but interestingly, note how there was little difference in the positive average expectancies per trade between the stop loss levels A good solution might be to use the higher ATRs where the lower ATR trades are not triggered. One final word of warning like all mechanical strategies, there were periods of severe draw-down, with approximately 3,000 trades for the 1 and 2 ATR strategies over the 14 year period, and about half that number for the 0 5 ATR strategy. To give an example, the maximum peak-to-trough draw-downs with exits at a reward to risk of 2 units were as follows.0 5 ATR 34 units.2 ATR 130 units. This is something to take into consideration when you plan your money management strategy, if you adopt this type of trend trading method. Back Test Equity Curves. All are at a reward to risk ratio profit target of 2 units. PANDANGAN USTAZ ZAHARUDDIN TENTANG FOREX. Zaharuddin Abd Rahman. Tidak dinafikan sistem kewangan Islam yang wujud hari ini masih banyak kelemahan dan kekurangannya Dari pelbagai jenis sudut, sama ada dari sudut rangka kewangan dunia yang mengcengkam, system perundangan yang banyak kalanya tidak bersedia dan tidak menepati, pemegang saham perbankan Islam yang tidak ihsan serta terlalu mengejar keuntungan, sistem perkomputeran dan pengiraan yang masih lagi terpaksa mengikut rentak majoriti yang konvensional, produk perbankan Islam yang masih terbawa-bawa kehendak pelanggan berminda konvensional, pelanggan yang terlalu demand kesempurnaa n pada praktis perbankan Islam tetapi diri sendiri terlalu jahil tentang Fiqh Muamalat dan kewangan moden hingga akhirnya menjadi racun kepada umat Islam, sistem matawang fiat yang direka, dicipta dan diatur tidak dengan cara yang betul dan panjang lagi senarainya jika ingin saya kongsikan di sini. Dari senarai panjang tersebut, hanya satu yang ingin dikongsikan bersama dalam tulisan ringkas padat ini Iaitu topik berkaitan sistem pengendalian matawang yang menyukarkan perubahan untuk melahirkan system kewangan Islam yang terbaik Kesalahan pengendalian dan regulasi matawang hari ini telah diakui oleh begitu ramai pakar dari kalangan Muslim dan bukan Islam sebagai salah satu punca berlakunya kegawatan demi kegawatan. Di dalam Forum Kewangan Dunia di Geneva 2010, baru-baru ini, Pengerusi Majlis Syariah Kesatuan Kewangan Islam Sedunia AAOIFI yang juga Naib Presiden Darul Uloom, Karachi, Syeikh Mufti Taqi UThamni telah berusaha berkongsi pandangan sebagai mewakili majoriti besar ulama dan ahl i ekonomi Islam berkenaan system matawang. Beliau cuba membawa menyedarkan pemimpin-pemimpin Negara maju untuk membuat satu perubahan radikal jika benar-benar ingin mengelakkan berulangnya serangan kejatuhan ekonomi di masa akan datang Sesuai dengan tema program tersebut yang cuba mencari punca dan penyelesaian bagi kegawatan ekonomi baru-baru ini. Benar, di waktu dan ketika ini, yang praktikal adalah dengan cuba meyakinkan pemimpin Negara maju ini untuk berubah, itu adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk mempengaruhi system besar kewangan dunia untuk berubah dan dibaikpulih sedikit demi sedikit Memang kita boleh menunjuk lagak untuk mempertikai itu dan ini dan mengkritik system kewangan Islam dengan pelbagai tuduhan keras selagi menumpang di atas system kewangan konvensional dan menggunapakai matawang fiat kertas. Namun pandangan ideal semata-mata yang tidak menjejak di bumi pasti akan gagal menyakinkan pemimpin Negara maju untuk berubah, lalu ia akan kekal menjadi mimpi dan idaman sahaja. Atas dasar itu, kita bersyukur dan berterima kasih atas usaha Syeikh Taqi Uthmani yang amat cemerlang Beliau mengusulkan idea perubahan praktikal yang mesti dilakukan oleh dunia bagi menghasilkan sesebuah system kewangan yang lebih dinamik dan selamat di masa akan datang. Salah satu cadangannya patut difahami sebaiknya oleh kita semua, selaku umat Islam sendiri Kerana bagaimanakah boleh kita mengharapkan perubahan hanya dari minda dan tangan pemimpin barat sedang kita sendiri tidak faham apa yang sepatut dan yang tidak Justeru, di kesempatan ini saya ingin menegaskan satu perkara sahaja. Tanpa niat untuk mengulas secara mendalam perihal matawang emas dan praktikalitinya di dunia moden, sebenarnya ada satu isu yang lebih basic dari isu tersebut, yang tanpa memahaminya, matawang dinar emas jika mampu dilaksana juga akan tetap gagal dalam membentuk sebuah system ekonomi yang Islamik dan stabil Ia adalah isu kemestian untuk mengembalikan fungsi matawang dalam Islam. KEMBALIKAN FUNGSI ASAL MAT AWANG. Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali sejak 900 tahun dahulu telah menegaskan fungsi asal dan asas bagi matawang menurut perspektif Islam Beliau berkata. Penciptaaan dirham dan dinar matawang emas dan perak adalah benar-benar satu rahmat dari Allah ta ala, kedua-duanya pada hakikatnya tiada nilai tersendiri yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh manusia seperti untuk makan dan minum , tetapi akhirnya semua manusia memerlukannya disebabkan semua manusia memerlukan nilai suatu komoditi barang untuk ditukarkan bagi mendapatkan keperluan asasi makanan dan pakaiannya Atas sebab itu, transaksi yang melibatkan pertukaran barangan antara satu sama lain tidak dapat dielakkan, Namun masalahnya, bagaimana untuk diukur nilai sesebuah barang dan ditetapkan harganya Justeru keperluan itu, semua barangan keperluan ini memerlukan satu barang perantaraan yang boleh menjadi ukur rujuk bagi nilai Maka itulah gunanya dinar dan dirham ini wang emas dan perak , kedua-dua logam berharga itu akan menjadi ukuran nilai sesuatu barangan lain kerana KEDUANYA TIDAK MENJADI OBJEKTIF jual beli, ia hanya menjadi perantaraan, jika kedua menjadi OBJEKTIF seluruh system ekwangan a kan ROSAK DAN TERGANGGU Kerana itulah Allah menciptankannya, melalui perantaraannya, pertukaran barangn kepelruan yang menjadi sasaran dan oibjektif jual beli akan terjamin keadilannya. Dari penerangan Imam Al-Ghazzali ini, jelas pendirian ekonomi Islam berkenaan matawang tidak kira ia dari jenis emas, perak atau kertas fiat adalah. a Matawang mestilah hanya sebagai perantara bagi tranksaksi jualbeli komoditi sebenar sahaja dan ia sendiri BUKAN komoditi. b Matawang mesti menjadi panduan ukuran nilai sesuatu barang keperluan. Kedua-dua syarat di atas saling berkait, tanpa salah satu, ia akan gagal menjadi matawang yang dikehendaki oleh Islam. Ini juga konsep yang telah diakui tepat oleh para ahli ekonomi seluruh dunia, khususnya Muslim economist Malangnya, di ketika ahli cerdik pandai ini menyarankan dan mengakuinya, pemimpin politik dan taikon kewangan dan regulator badan utama kewangan dunia tidak mahu menrima pakai cadangan dan pandangan tersebut, ia tidak lain adalah akibat ketamakan mel ampau puak korporat dan politik ini. Kesannya, hari ini matawang selain dijadikan sandaran nilai dan medium perantara jualbeli, ia sendiri telah dijadikan sebagai KOMODITI yang juga barang yang dijual dan dibeli. Dalam bahasa mudahnya, emas dan matawang sendiri dijadikan sebagai objektif dalam sesuatu transaksi jualbeli, ia sepatutnya hanya menjadi perantara namun kini, fungsinya telah disalahgunakan sehingga menjadi barang jualan dan akhirnya menyebabkan nilainya tidak lagi stabil fluctuate Ini mencacatkan fungsinya yang sepatutnya dijadikan sandaran atau ukuran bagi nilai komoditi lain. Matwang yang dijadikan sandaran nilai sepatutnya mempunyai nilai yang hampir tetap, tidak terlalu banyak berubah dan bergerak Hanya dengan itu, inflasi dapat dikawal dan jualbeli menjadi stabil dan keadilan tersebar. Namun apabila matawang hari ini di jadikan komoditi, nilai sendiri tidak terkawal Selain melihat nilai matawang kertas, cuba lihat juga nilai emas hari ini, bukankah ia juga turun naik dengan agak tanda emas yang wujud hari ini diperlakukan secara salah oleh manusia. Atas sebab itu, hatta jika hari ini kita sibuk menginginkan emas untuk dijadikan matawang, namun dengan sikap dan attitude yang menggangap matawang sebagai komoditi, emas dan perak itu sendri pun akan gagal berfungsi sebagai matawang yang diinginkan oleh Islam. Sebab itulah, perlu difahami, kejayaan menjadikan emas sebagai matawang belum boleh dianggap satu kejayaan mengislamkan ekonomi sama sekali, malah masih amat jauh Malah, apa yang lebih perlu diperbetulkan adalah sikap, kefahaman dan system regulasi kewangan dunia hari ini. Sistem matawang emas dan perak ini pun bukanlah diperkenalkan oleh Rasulullah, malah ia telah wujud sebelum dari kebangkitan Rasulullah Islam menerima pakai dua logam berharga itu sebagai matawang dan hanya mampu di ISLAMKAN apabila syarat-syarat urusniaga matawang yang digariskan oleh baginda Nabi DIPENUHI Justeru, hanya memperjuangkan matawang emas bukan segala-galanya bagi sebuah ekon omi dan kewangan Islam. Justeru, janganlah ada yang menyangka bahawa system kewangan Islam akan hanya menjadi benar-benar Islam apabila menggunakan emas dan perak sebagai matawang Tidak semudah itu Malah dengan fiat money ini juga system kewangan Islam mampu dicapai jika regulasi dan pengurusan matawang berjaya direfomasikan kepada cara yang betul, sama ada cara ia dikeluarkan, edaran, kawalan dan penggunaannya. MENYEDIHKAN BILA EMAS DIJADIKAN ALAT PELABURAN. Lebih menyedihkan, di ketika laungan dan desakan untuk mengembalikan emas dan perak sebagai matawang dipukul canang oleh sebahagian umat Islam, individu yang sama juga kelihatan sibuk memperdagangkan emas dan menjadikannya sebagai sebagai bahan pelaburan Mereka sibuk membeli emas dalam bentuk jongkong yang dijual oleh Public Bank, Maybank melalui akaun pelaburan emasnya, atau melalui syarikat-syarikat lain untuk disimpan dan kemudian dijual bagi memperolehi untung atas perbezaaan hari ini dan masa hadapan Kemudian mereka menggembar-g emburkan kononnya melabur dalam emas adalah Islamik dan menepati Islam. Hakikatnya itu adalah dakwaan terseleweng mereka, ia tersasar dari falsafah matawang yang digariskan oleh Imam Al-Ghazzali, dan majority ilmuan Islam. Memang benar, walaupun secara kontraknya jual beli mereka adalah sah apabila menepati syarat serah terima pada satu masa dan sama timbangannya Yadan bi Yadin mithlan bi mihtlin tetapi hakikatnya tindakan itu tersasar dari Maqasid al-Shariah kepada penciptaan emas dan perak itu sendiri. Malah jika benar-benar satu hari kelak emas dijadikan matawang, individu sebegini yang akan merosakkan system kewangan Islam di ketika itu Mengapa Kerana mereka terlibat dalam mengubah fungsi emas dan perak yang sepatutnya menjadi matawang kepada komoditi dan objektif untuk membuat untung atas perubahan nilai Selagi mereka melaksanakan kerja itu, selagi itulah emas juga TIDAK SESUAI dijadikan matawang Kelak nanti syiling-syiling matawang emas semuanya disimpan dan disorokkan dari gunapaka i, kerana ingin menunggu nilainya menaik Tatkala itu ia akan tergolong dalam erti ihtikar yang diharamkan. Perlu difahami, emas yang sudah dibentuk menjadi perhiasan seperti gelang, rantai, cincin dan sepertinya tidak dilarang untuk dijadikan komoditi atas sifatnya yang telah bercampur dengan skill pembuatan dan ditokok tambah pula dengan batu permata dan sebagainya Tatkala itu, barulah boleh diambil untung atas jualannya. BAGAIMANA KONTEKS HARI INI MATWANG KERTAS. Disebabkan matawang emas masih tidak wujud di ketika ini, maka bagi memastikan system kewangan lebih stabil dan selamat pada pandangan Islam, maka apa sahaja yang menjadi galang ganti kepada matawang emas dan perak juga TURUT WAJIB DIKENDALI SESUAI SEBAGAI MATAWANG BUKAN KOMODITI. Kesatuan Fiqh Islam sedunia, akur kepada system kewangan dunia yang dipegang oleh bukan Islam, mereka mengatur dan menjadikan kertas sebagai matawang Maka atas dasar hajiat ulama sedunia bersama pakar ekonomi Islam membuat keputusan keharusan untuk men gunnapakai matawang kertas namun mestilah diuruskan menepati cara urusan emas dan perak Iaitu dari sudut hukumnya dan juga cara pengendaliannya sebagai matawang, iaitu tidak harus dijadikan komoditi. Atas sebab itu, forex trading walaupun dibuat spot tetapi untuk mengabil untung atas perbezaan nilai matawang, adalah juga HARAM di dalam Islam kerana ia lebih kepada spekulasi dan perjudian Di samping isu-isu lain seperti gharar dan keterlibatan riba dalam leverage Apapun, yang pasti perniagaan forex trading wang kertas pelbagai Negara adalah untuk menraih untung atas perbezaaan nilai matwang adalah HARAM kerana ia adalah judi dan penyebab mudarat kepada system ekonomi dunia dan penyumbang kepada inflasi serta ketidakstabilan nilai matawang. Bank-bank Islam di seluruh dunia juga dikawal selia oleh Majlis Syariah masing-masing agar tiada unsur spekulasi dalam setiap forex trading mereka Hanya forex untuk tujuan lindung nilai hedging sahaja dibenarkan Itulah juga keputusan Majlis Shariah Bank Negara Malaysia Forex trading untuk raih untung atas perbezaan nilai matwang tidak dibenarkan OLEH MAJORITI Majlis Syariah bank-bank Islam walaupun ia dibuat secara spot. Hasilnya, kita perlu faham, matawang kertas fiat money yang wujud hari ini juga mestilah TIDAK dijadikan komoditi, sama seperti emas dan perak Itulah yang diwarwarkan oleh Syeikh Taqi Uthmani semasa Forum Kewangan Dunia Bagi mengurangkan masalah di dalam system ekonomi semasa Sebagai jalan pertama untuk mewujudkan system ekonomi adil dan menepati Islam. Malangnya dicelah-celah ketamakan manusia hari ini, matawang kertas fiat hari ini turut menjadi bahan sasaran dan objektif keuntungan Bukan sahaja bank-bank terlibat, malah ramai individu juga rambang mata berniaga FOREX melalui platform internet, Walau ia ditegah oleh kerajaan, semuanya tidak diendah lagi. Mereka membeli matawang sesebuah Negara Euro sebagai contoh untuk disimpan sebagai pelaburan bagi menunggu nilainya menaik untuk dijual kembali di pasaran Inilah punc a dan penyebab kelam kabut ekonomi dunia Sama ada ia dilakukan oleh industri perbankan atau individu Kesemuanya BERDOSA Imam Al-Ghazzali berkata. Jadinya, barangsiapa yang memulakan berjualbeli matawang untuk mendapat keuntungan perbezaan nilai , tindakannya sendiri telah BERCANGGAH dengan objktif asal penciptaan matawang jika dibenarkan mereka berbuat demikian, kelak matawang itu sendiri akan menjadi tumpuan dan objektif lalu akan bermulalah perbuatan ihtikar hoarding simpan untuk tunggu naik harga dan jual 1.Falsafah larangan dan objktif ini dijelaskan oleh Syeikh Taqi uthmani dapat dilihat dengan jelas dari pengharaman riba dan penghalalan jual beli sebagai ganti kaedah untuk mendapat untung. PENYELESAIAN TEPAT DAN TIDAK PELIK. Sebenarnya cadangan ini tidaklah ganjil dan pelik, malah ia juga telah dicadang oleh ramai pakar ekonomi termasuk yang bukan beragama Islam Contohnya selepas berlakunya kegawatan pada tahun 1930 an, Economic Crisis Committee telah dibentuk oleh Southampton Chamber of Commerce selepas perbincangan dan diskusi mendalam mereka menyatakan. In order to ensure that money performs its true function of operating as a means of exchange and distribution, it is desirable that it should cease to be traded as a commodity 2.Malah suatu percubaan praktikal telah dicuba dan didedahkan oleh seorang ahli ekonomi bernama Margrit Kennedy di dalam bukunya bertajuk Interest and Inflation Free Money Beliau memaklumkan hasil percubaan pelaksanaan interest free model DAN MATAWANG TIDAK DIJADIKAN KOMODITI yang dilakukan di pekan kecil Austria pada tahun 1932- 1933, dia menyatakan. When over 300 communities in Austria began to be interested in adopting this model, the Austrian National Bank saw its own monopoly endangered It intervened against the Town Council 3.Beliau juga bersama beberapa pakar ekonomi di USA telah berusaha bagi mencadangkan system alternative ini kepada kerajaan USA pada tahun 1933, tetapi semua cadangan mereka ditolak. Syeikh Taqi menegaskan. In order to save the world from such evil consequences, trading in money itself should be stopped Exchange of different currencies is, of course, inevitable for the purpose of international trade, for which one currency has to be sold for another currency, and a margin of profit for the seller may be inbuilt in the exchange rate So far as these exchange transactions are carried out for the genuine purpose of cross border trade of real commodities, it cannot pose a problem The problem arises when exchange of currencies is meant for speculative transactions in money itself Unfortunately, majority of currency transactions carried out in the market are purely speculative 4.Ertinya Bagi menyelamatkan dunia dari kesan buruk, penjualbelian matawang MESTI dihentikan, Namun begitu, pertukaran matawang berbeza adakalanya tidak dapat dielakkan bagi keperluan perdagangan antarabangsa, yang mana memerlukan pertukaran dan jualbeli matawang berbeza dan margin keuntungan penjual mungkin telah dimasukk an dalam nilai tukaran Biasanya pertukaran dari jenis ini yang didasari oleh tujuan-tujuan asas perdagangan komoditi sebenar, ia tidak banyak mengancam ekonomi Masalah sebenar hanya berbangkit apabila pertukaran matawang dibuat bagi tujuan spekulasi dalam nilai matawang itu sendiri Amat malang apabila didapati majority transaksi pertukaran matawang dibuat adalah atas dasar spekulasi tulen judi. Bayangkan, dengan jumlah global international trade pada tahun 2008 sekitar US 32 trillion, 5 iaitu purata US 88 billion setiap hari, mankala daily turnover bagi global foreign exchange markets pula dianggarkan pada nilai USD 3 98 trillion, 6 iaitu, 45 kali ganda lebih besar dari jumlah international trade Ini bermakna hanya 2 daripada pertukaran matawang benar-benar didasari oleh permintaan sebenar oleh kerajaan dan peniga Baki 98 adalah dilakukan atas dasar spekulasi yang akhirnya menyebabkan inflasi di seluruh dunia dan menjadi salah satu punca ketidakstabilan ekonomi dunia dan kegawatan.1 Waj ib mengembalikan fungsi matawang kepada asal iaitu penentu nilai barangan komoditi dan perantara kepada proses jualbeli komditi.2 Tidak menjadikan matawang samada wang fiat atau emas dan perak sebagai komoditi kerana ia hanya akan merosakkan system nilai dan ekonomi serta menambah inflasi.3 Haram hukumnya menyertai FOREX Trading melalui internet di peringkat individu kerana bercanggah dengan undang-undang negara dan banyak syubhatnya di sisi undang-undang Islam.4 Setiap penasihat Syariah bank-bank Islam wajib menyemak kembali fatwa mereka jika ada yang membenarkan yang membenarkan bank seliaan mereka berniaga FOREX Trading walau mematuhi syarat serah terima sertamerta.5 Kerajaan Malaysia amat patut mengenengahkan idea ini kedalam perbincangan ekonomi dengan Negara-negara maju di seluruh dunia Saya yakin mereka sedar, hasil membenaRKAN matawang sebagai KOMODITI inilah yang menjadikan Malaysia sasaran George Soros pada tahun 1997 Tanyalah Dr Mahathir tentang hal ini.6 PAS dan Pakatan Rak yat juga patut menjuarai isu ini di pentas nasional dan global Jangan biarkan Syeikh Mufti Taqi Uthmani keseorangan dalam lontaran ideanya.7 Kepada penyokong-penyokong matawang emas dinar, jangan anda terlibat dalam perdagangan emas jongkong sebagai komoditi kerana anda adalah punca kegagalan system itu diyakini oleh barat kerana nilainya juga turut akan menjadi fluctuate kerana anda.8 forex YANG DIBENARKAN hanyalah a Untuk lindung nilai hedging b untuk tukar duit kerana urusan luar negara yang biasanya tukar di money exchange c forex tukaran matawang yang diperlukan kerana perdangangan komoditi di peringkat antarabangsa yang memerlukan penggunaan matawang berbeza.9 FOREX trading untuk raih keuntungan yang dilakukan oleh individu sebenarnya kecil sekali berbanding FOREX yang dilakukan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia dan bank-bank Komersial Kerajaan Malaysia sepatutnya MENIMBANG KEMBALI DASAR FOREX yang besar ini terlebih dahulu Bukankah dahulu BNM pernah rugi berbillion ringgit akibatnya Kes impulannya kedua-dua Forex dari institusi dan perseorangan sama sekali tidak menepati Maqasid Shariah dan merosak fungsi matawang.10 Sekadar menyimpan emas untuk diri sendiri di kemudian hari, tiada masalah di sisi Islam dan Maqasid Shariah Apa yang saya sifatkan sebagai bermasalah dalam tulisan ini adalah yang simpan emas sekejap, kemudian jual, kemudian simpan balik, kemudian jual semula Iaitu mereka yang menjadikan emas untuk trading secara kerap kerana meraih untung perbezaaan nilainya Jadi, jangan salah faham tulisan ini sebagai in total melarang simpanan emas. Day Trading Strategies - Pullback Day Trading Strategy. Pullback Day Trading. A stock you follow takes off and trends up or down sharply But you miss your trade entry and watch in frustration as it clears one hurdle after another Finally it stops and reverses As it pulls back on your 5-minute chart and Level II screen, you have to decide whether or not to join and trade the action. Predicting price movement when an intraday tre nd pulls back requires both skill and patience Some corrections persist or roll over into ranges that empty trading accounts But others quickly bounce and take off to new highs How can you tell which outcome is more likely. The first pullback from a breakout has high odds of rapidly ejecting in the direction of the new trend But watch the depth of the correction If it breaks through several minor support levels before reversing, sellers will likely emerge when price tests the short term high This common scenario will still produce good trades With enough reward between your entry and the short-term high, you can place a sell order 1 16th or 1 8th below the top and ride the bounce into a quick fill. Use a 6-Out rule to measure trend pullbacks Start your count with the first bar lower than the parabolic extension of the trend Watch for a pullback at the same angle as the trend itself or in a tight sideways pattern The next trend leg should begin no later than the 6th congestion bar. Why doe s this work Many day traders set their short-term chart indicators to periods that measure 5 to 8 price bars 6 bar corrections will often reflect short-term support at these common settings If price does not eject, the next bar can signal a trend change and trigger waves of reflex selling by this fast-finger crowd. Keep in mind that markets often move in 1-2-3 patterns Countertrends follow a natural tendency to pullback, bounce and then pullback again before finding support Traders often fool themselves by jumping on the first bounce rather than waiting for the corrective move to unwind The deeper a stock corrects, the less likely it will take out the old trend high and break into another wave For this reason, only tight and small 1-2-3 patterns signal new trend movement. Use a short-term oscillator, such as Stochastics, to measure an intraday rally s duration After each price thrust, odds decrease that the trend will continue Oscillators measure the depth of this overbought condition an d provide early warning when a pullback lasts too long Set these indicators to watch the same signals that other traders use to make their decisions Then plan your trades to step in front of their reactions. Moving averages and Bollinger Bands measure how far price should pull back before reversing in the direction of the trend Notice how this NXTL intraday trend repeatedly bounces at the 8 bar MA Trends tend to find support at similar levels on each correction Use Moving Average Rainbows to identify the right settings for each unique pattern. For More Day Trading Strategies download my Master Day Trader Ecourse. A long straddle is a combination of buying a call and buying a put, both with the same strike price and expiration Together, they produce a position that should profit if the stock makes a big move either up or down. Typically, investors buy the straddle because they predict a big price move and or a great deal of volatility in the near future For example, the investor might be ex pecting an important court ruling in the next quarter, the outcome of which will be either very good news or very bad news for the stock. Looking for a sharp move in the stock price, in either direction, during the life of the options Because of the effect of two premium outlays on the breakeven, the investor s opinion is fairly strongly held and time-specific. This strategy consists of buying a call option and a put option with the same strike price and expiration The combination generally profits if the stock price moves sharply in either direction during the life of the options. Buy a call, strike price A. Buy a put, strike price A. Generally, the stock price will be at strike A. NOTE Both options have the same expiration month. Who Should Run It. Veterans and higher. NOTE At first glance, this seems like a fairly simple strategy However, it is not suited for all investors To profit from a long straddle, you ll require fairly advanced forecasting ability. You re anticipating a swing in stock price, but you re not sure which direction it will go. The stock shoots to the moon, or goes straight down the toilet. About the Security. Options are contracts which control underlying assets, oftentimes stock It is possible to buy own or long or sell write or short an option to initiate a position Options are traded through a broker, like TradeKing, who charges a commission when buying or selling option contracts. Options The Basics is a great place to start when learning about options Before trading options carefully consider your objectives, the risks, transaction costs and fees. A long straddle is the best of both worlds, since the call gives you the right to buy the stock at strike price A and the put gives you the right to sell the stock at strike price A But those rights don t come cheap. The goal is to profit if the stock moves in either direction Typically, a straddle will be constructed with the call and put at-the-money or at the nearest strike price if there s not one exactly at - the-money Buying both a call and a put increases the cost of your position, especially for a volatile stock So you ll need a fairly significant price swing just to break even. Advanced traders might run this strategy to take advantage of a possible increase in implied volatility If implied volatility is abnormally low for no apparent reason, the call and put may be undervalued The idea is to buy them at a discount, then wait for implied volatility to rise and close the position at a profit. Maximum Potential Profit. Potential profit is theoretically unlimited if the stock goes up. If the stock goes down, potential profit may be substantial but limited to the strike price minus the net debit paid. Maximum Potential Loss. TradeKing Margin Requirements. After the trade is paid for, no additional margin is required. As Time Goes By. For this strategy, time decay is your mortal enemy It will cause the value of both options to decrease, so it s working doubly against you. Conversely, a decrease in im plied volatility will be doubly painful because it will work against both options you bought If you run this strategy, you can really get hurt by a volatility crunch. What is a Straddle. A straddle option strategy is a basic volatility strategy that banks on the idea that the underlying security is going to move significantly in one direction, even if you do not know which way The straddle is a direction neutral, medium risk, unlimited reward strategy It is used by many traders right before earnings are announced they expect a large move but do not know which way The strategy calls for buying at the money calls and also buying at the money puts This is a net debit transaction and your risk is limited to the amount of money you pay for the two options cumulatively. On the other side of the coin, a trader may believe that stock will tread sideways rather than making a substantial move in either direction This trader might elect to sell the straddle short or basically sell the ATM calls and puts at the same time. Straddle Risk Characteristics. Let s review the basic straddle risk characteristics graph so that we can better understand the risks and rewards associated to this strategy As opposed to the other option strategies we have discussed, you can see that the straddle has two breakeven points Remember, you can profit if the stock moves substantially in either direction. Since you are buying both of the options, your risk is limited to the the amount you pay for both combined. Risk Call Premium Put Premium. Since this is a net credit transaction with two long options, the breakeven in either direction is just the strike price - Options premiums. Breakeven on the Upside b2 in diagram Strike Price Call Premium Put Premium. Breakeven on the Downside b1 in diagram Strike Price - Call Premium - Put Premium. The profit potential of this strategy is unlimited after breakeven. To be precise, the total profit loss at expiration can be calculated with the following two formulas. Profit Lo ss at Expiration Absolute Value Security Closing Price - Strike Price - Risk. Let s use Citigroup C to create a straddle example. Call Option Chain. Put Option Chain. The stock is trading at 24 96 as of today s closing price Therefore, we will buy the two month, at the money, option at 25 It is currently Jan of 2008 and I selected options with 2 months till expiration I did this for example purposes since the three month chain is not available as of yet Typically, you want to allow yourself at least 3 months of time for this trade to work out Remember, once the option has less than 30 days, the time premium theta starts to decay at a more rapid pace You want to allow yourself enough time in case the trade does not work out immediately Personally, I do not hold straddle s that are 30 days left till expiration At that point, the security has not made the move I was looking for and I cut my losses while the time premium is still reasonably high Secondly, if you are trading the straddle for an earnings release and the stock does not react with a strong move, you should consider selling the straddle after a couple days pass with no movement. To set up the Citi straddle, we will pay 1 85 for the 25 calls and 2 04 for the 25 put Notice how the price of the put is greater even when the stock is trading right near the strike This occurs due to the market premium that is being given to protection on the downside The market is currently getting hammered and there is a large demand for puts Supply and demand forces have an influence on option prices. In any case, we are paying 3 89 for both options and this becomes the risk of the straddle The expectation is that the stock will break above 28 89 or break below 21 11 before options expiration If either scenario occurs, this straddle will be in a profit position Ideally, you want to look for at least a 1 1 reward to risk ratio Therefore, we want to see Citigroup above 32 78 or below 17 22 to make it worth your time and risk. In conclusi on, the straddle is a great idea if you expect the security to move substantially, but do not know which way It can come with a relatively high cost but your risk is limited to what you put into it, as opposed to a short straddle Remember that you are playing the expectation for volatility to increase and if it does not when you expect it to, think about selling the straddle to avoid bleeding time value. 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Training promotes and delivers the continuous learning needed by staff to build and sustain effective services and organizational infrastructure Training serves multiple functions including, but not limited to, transferring knowledge, building staff skills, promoting best practices, building and repairing relationships, breaking isolation, acting as a catalyst for change, and reinforcing effective practices Training is not the answer to everything, rather it is an effective tool that can be designed to meet a variety of individual, group, and organizational needs. It is our goal that all Strategies trainings. Recent Blog Posts. Regional Contact Information. Futures Butterfly Spreads. Butterfly Spreads - Definition. Butterfly Spreads are complex futures spreads that combine a near term bull spread with a longer term bear spread in order to profit from a change in term structure. Butterfly Spreads - Introduction. Futures Butterfly Spreads, better known for its options version, is the most complex spreading strategy in futures trading Futures butterfly spreads are used by the most veteran futures traders when they are of the opinion that mid term futures prices are going to drop while short term and long term futures prices are going to remain stagnant or rise Such change in term structures are common seasonal behaviors of certain commodities and it takes experienced futures traders to identify and time such changes. This tutorial shall explore in depth what Butterfly Spreads are, their working mechanism as well as their pros and cons in futures trading p s were you looking for Options Butterfly Spread. Annual Program Planning. Annual Program Planning. Your Pack s Annual Program Plan Satisfied Cub Scouts and Families A Lifelong Love of Scouting. Dear Committee Chair and Cubmaster. Let s talk about one of the key elements of all successful packs and an indicator of a potentially successful year Of course that would be the pack s annual program plan and planning conference. A res earch project done by Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, Indiana, showed that a common element of strong packs is they all have a good annual pack program planned a year in advance that is then shared with all families in the form of a calendar The important result of a shared annual program calendar is that your pack will attract more families, and Cub Scouts will stay for a long time. Just as an aside, the other two key elements of successful packs identified in that study were training and just having the right leader to start with. Here is how a pack program planning conference works A month or two before the scheduled face-to-face conference, the committee chair and Cubmaster gather the following information. Key school datesmunity event dates. Your chartered organization s dates. Personal dates that may affect your pack s activities such as the Cubmaster s anniversary cruise. District and council dates. Collected Family Talent Survey sheets from all parents. Last year s pack annual plan if you h ave one. To maximize the efficiency of your planning, the following people should attend the conference. All pack committee members. All den leaders. All pack den aids and den chiefs optional. Chartered organization representative. Your unit commissioner optional. Anyone else you think might be helpful, such as other parents. If you choose, you can use a new electronic program planning conference guide for a pack to add some color to the process This narrated PowerPoint presentation, which takes the pack step-by-step through the planning process, can be found by clicking here. The result is an annual calendar and plan that all parties agree upon. Here s a quick rundown of the steps. Before you start the planning process Explain to the group the importance of annual program planning, why you are doing it, and the rules for the process during this meeting. Step 1 This part is easy Just take the dates you collected and put them into your pack s master calendar including den meeting dates either on a hard copy or by plugging the information into an electronic calendar on a computer An electronic template can be found by clicking here. Step 2 Before you begin rounding out the master calendar with things you want to do, review what the pack did last year You might even want to write what you come up with on a flip chart or dry erase board Ask yourself questions like, what events went well, what events didn t go so well Did we earn the National Summertime Pack Award The Journey to Excellence Award How did we do with den and pack attendance Did we participate in Cub Scout day camp or family camp Did we sell popcorn. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, but don t spend too much time on this, as the key issue is planning the upcoming year Just use this research to help guide what you might want to keep, replace, or improve. Step 3 Do some brainstorming on activities your pack might want to do in addition to den and pack meetings This could be things such as a blue and gold banque t, pinewood derby, family picnic, first-aid training, pet show, and so on Remember the brainstorming rule, which is anybody can suggest anything without critique or criticism Feedback and analysis come later, after all the ideas have been captured Once you have a list of things your dens and pack might want to do, start prioritizing the list Is a particular activity something for dens or the pack as a whole Could the activity be incorporated into a den or pack meeting And so on. Take a vote on which activities to include on the den and pack meeting schedule, then add the activities to your calendar. Step 4 By now, the calendar should be taking shape It should include school and community dates, holidays, some personal conflict dates, den and pack meetings, additional den and pack activities, and district and council dates The next step is to assign the person who will be responsible for each event, as well as den responsibilities at pack meetings This would include names, like Bob Smith will be the chair for the blue and gold banquet. If you are really ambitious, you can even put in event details such as, Bob will send invitation and assignments to each family by January 1, and, By November 1, we will get confirmation from the school we can use the cafeteria Remember that good planning and preparation will lead to family satisfaction Some of this might have to come after your program planning conference, if you choose activities now and have to recruit chairs later However, if you know you will be doing some activities again such as your blue and gold banquet, you might already have a commitment from Bob by the time the program planning conference happens. Step 5 You re almost finished The final step is to review your annual plan to ensure you have captured everything you and your families want to do in the upcoming year Once you feel comfortable, publish or email your annual plan to each family A reminder that not everyone has an email account, so be sure your distribu tion reaches all families They will feel much more a part of your pack and be able to plan their own family calendar with the pack s calendar in hand Sharing the annual plan with your families could be the most important step in retaining your Scouts and building tenure, so don t shortcut this one. Step 6 Annual program planning is an ongoing process Review the plan each month at your pack leaders meeting to make sure you are still on track, to recruit chairs and other help, you participate in important meetings, or to make assignments or changes as needed. A great pack program plan leads to a great pack and den program, which leads to Cub Scouts and their families staying and growing in Scouting. Good luck You are taking a big step toward being a great pack. These tools should make it easier to have up-to-date newsletters and calendars ready when you need them. Pack calendar templates 2015-2016.Pack calendar templates 2014-2015.Fill in dates and events in the spaces provided Save and print or email It s that easy When you first know about an addition or change to pack activities, add that to the calendar so it will always be up-to-date and ready to print or send. Pack newsletter template Excel Save the template file, then Save As for your first newsletter This file includes two worksheets see tabs at the bottom of the screen Enter the information you want in the newsletter in the Type Information Here worksheet Save the file Then go to the ViewPrint Newsletter tab to see if the newsletter is as you want it to be Make any changes on the Type Information Here worksheet When the newsletter is as you want it, save the file and then print it If you plan to email the file, first delete the Type Information Here worksheet so that the recipients will get only the ViewPrint Newsletter. Note The worksheets are protected without a password to allow changes only in certain cells and prevent mistakes To learn how to change those protected cells in your version of Microsoft Excel , search for protection in the Excel help section We recommend that after you make the intended changes, you protect the worksheet to prevent unintended changes. Pack poster templates. Family Talent Survey. Cub Scout Den Meeting Program. Den and Pack Meeting Resource Guide. Project Management Training in San Jose San Francisco. Bay Area PMP Certification Boot Camp. As the leading brand in project management-based consulting, sourcing, and certification training, Project Management Strategy is the premier resource for project management professionals We offer top-notch and trusted PMP training and exam prep to companies that strive for certified and capable employees From small local startups, to large corporations, to global conglomerates, we have delivered the training and implementation assistance our clients consistently rely upon to advance their business objectives. We have the resources and experience to do more for you. We have assisted 1,000 clients in nearly every sector of the corporate world. Training sessions available on weekdays, evenings, and weekends. 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Tailored to Meet Your Professional Demands. We understand that your professional schedule may already be impacted This is why we offer multiple course options to meet your specific needs Our San Jose and Santa Clara PMP training sessions are available on weekdays, evenings, and weekends If you would like to achieve your credential as quickly as possible, we offer a boot camp format where you can accomplish all of your training in as little as four days. Our Client List Says it All. As one of the most respected project management consultants in the country, our graduates and corporate clients span nearly every sector of industry Our corporate clients include. Additionally, our successfully certified graduates are currently employed throughout the Bay Area and the nation at numerous business giants including Oracle, Microsoft, and HP. Get Your Certification Call 415-692-3787.Project Management Strategy offers a wide variety of project management services to meet the needs of the independent professional or corporate client These include. Project management training and consulting. Assistance with implementation of on-site projects. Agile and Scrum project management training and consulting. Job placement assistance for graduates of our PMP certification course. Corporate boot camps for PMP certification training. Since 2008, Project Management Strategy has been the one-stop shop for all your project management needs For more information about project management training or consulting programs in Santa Clara San Jose, give us a call or complete our online form to enroll. Get FOREX Trading Strategies. The Ins And Outs Of Forex. September 26, 2015 by Sweet Trades. Welcome to the grand world of Forex trading As obvious to you, this is a large universe chock full of trades, techniques and technology The highly competitive nature of f oreign exchange trading can be rather overwhelming sometimes, when searching for what works for you The advice in this article will help you to figure it all out. Forex counts on the condition of the economy more than options, the stock market, or futures trading You should a have a good understanding of economic terms and factors like current account deficits, interest rates, monetary policy and fiscal policy before trading Forex You will be better prepared if you understand fiscal policy when trading foreign exchange. Keep a couple of accounts when you are starting out in investing One account can be set up as a demo account to practice trading, while another can be used for your real portfolio. Avoid trading in thin markets if you are a foreign exchange beginner If the market is thin, there is not much public interest. When your money goes up, so does your excitement Do not let your excitement turn into greed, which can cause you to make careless mistakes and lose all of your money Desp eration and panic can have the same effect If you want to be successful, you have to learn to ignore your emotions, and make decisions based on facts and logical analysis. Take advantage of four-hour and daily charts for the Forex market Using charts can help you to avoid costly, spur of the moment mistakes Short term charts are great, but they require a lot of luck To side-step unwanted stress and false hope, make commitments to longer cycles. Traders use equity stop orders to limit their risk in trades This placement will stop trading when an acquisition has decreased by a fixed percentage of the beginning total. If foreign exchange trading is something you are new to, stick to a few or only one currency pair for a while before extending out You may find yourself frustrated and overwhelmed Try focusing on major currency pairs that can help you succeed and feel more confident with what you can do. By allowing a program to make all of your trading decisions, you might as well forfeit your entire account The unfortunate consequence of doing this may be significant financial losses. Traders that are new to forex become excited and somewhat obsessive, staring at charts all day and reading all kinds of trading books and other literature non-stop You can only focus well for 2-3 hours before its break time The market isnt going anywhere, so take plenty of breaks and come back when you are well-rested and ready to focus again. Study the market and make your own conclusions Being self-sufficient is critical to success in the currency markets. You can use market signals to tell you when you should be buying or selling Your Forex software can alert you when your target trade is available Figure out your exit and entry points ahead of time to avoid losing time to decision making. To determine average gains and losses in a particular market, consult the relative strength index This will not be the only thing that affects your investment in that market, but it is a good way to see a qui ck and dirty reflection of how a market is doing It might be wise to rethink an impulse to make investments in historically unprofitable areas. There is no central area when it comes to foreign exchange trading Consequently, there is no disaster that could destroy the market You do not have to panic and sell everything if something happens Of course, a major event could and probably will affect the market, but wont affect the currency pair that you dealing with. If you are going to take this approach, be sure that the top bottom have taken before you set your position The venture is still risky, but you can improve your odds by being patient and confirming your top and bottom prior to trading. Setting a stop loss is a solid idea as it will automatically exit a losing trade if the price reaches a designated point A lot of Forex traders wont exit a position, hoping that the downward trend will reverse itself. Give yourself ample time to learn the skills that are necessary to succeed If you d ont exercise patience, you risk losing the equity in your account within just a few hours. When you are going to try foreign exchange trading, develop a plan first You cannot assume that you will be able to use short cuts to gain quick profits You have a better chance at success in the market when you are knowledgeable and follow your investment plan. Make a point of personally monitoring your trading deals While software simplifies a lot of the trading process, it is not infallible Although Forex trading is based on a numerical system, human insight and intelligence is needed to make the best decisions. You should keep your greed in check when you are exploring the Foreign Exchange market and not let your weaknesses hold you back Get a feel for what your trading style is and also figure out what ways allow you to thrive the most This way, you can understand the markets before making risky trades. Select a trading style based on your priorities If you are a part-time trader, choose a strat egy that allows a longer time for trading. In the world of foreign exchange, there are many techniques that you have at your disposal to make better trades The world of foreign exchange has a little something for everyone, but what works for one person may not for another Hopefully, these tips have given you a starting point for your own strategy. Helpful Advice On Trading In The Forex Arena. September 26, 2015 by Forex Luke. What is the simplest forex trading strategy which applicable for beginner All Trusted Brokers In One Place nordicconcrete se. What is the simplest forex trading strategy which applicable for beginner All Trusted Brokers In One Place nordicconcrete se. What is the simplest forex trading strategy which applicable for beginner buy shares on canadian stock exchange. 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